Thursday, February 20, 2014

turtle trades secret was their psychology and position sizing..

each trader started with a small account. if they did well for an initial trial period, then account size increased.

the difficulty in trading lies not in the concepts but in the application. it is relatively easy to learn what to do when trading. it is very difficult to apply those lessons in actual trading

human emotion is both the source of opportunity in trading and the greatest challenge. master it and you will succeed. ignore it at your peril.

to trade wll you need to understand the human mind.

winning traders make money by exploiting the consistenly irrational behavior patterns of other traders.

market movements result from the systematic and repeated irrationality that is embedded in every person.

emotional and psychological strenghts are the most important ingredients in successful trading.

distortions in the way people perceive reality are cognitive biases.
here are some cognitive biases that affect trading.

loss aversion: the tendency for people to have a strong preference for avoiding losses over acquiring gains.

sunk costs effect: the tendency to treat money that already has been committed or spent more valuable than money that may be spent in the future.

disposition effect: the tendency for people to lock gains and ride losses.

outcome bias: the tendency to judge a decision by its outcome rather than by the quality of the decision at the time it was made

recency bias: the tendency to weight recent data or experience more than earlier data or experience

anchoring: the tendency to rely too heavily, or anchor, on readily available information

bandwagon effect: the tendency to believe things because many other people believe them

belief in the law of small mumbers: the tendency to draw unjustified conclusions from too little information

it turns out that it is much easier to make money when your are wrong most of the time. if your trades are loses most of the time, that shows that you are not trying to predict the future. for this reason, you no longer care about the outcome of any particular trade since you expect that trade to lose money. when you expect a trade to lose money, you also realize that the outcome of a particular trade does not indicate anything about your intelligence. simply put, to win you need to free yourself and your thinking of outcome bias. it does not matter what happens with any particular trade. if you have 10 losing trades in a row and your are sticking to your plan, you are trading well; you are just having a bit of bad luck.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Repetition and programming the subconscious mind

By M.Farouk RadwanMSc.

Repetition and the subconscious mind:

One of the rules the subconscious mind follows is that the beliefs it holds grow stronger by repetition.
Repetition can take various forms such as reading the belief, listening to it or visualizing it. Suppose that you bought a new shirt then a friend of yours told you that it looks good. What will happen if Later on another friend told you the same thing? The belief that the shirt is nice will grow stronger (unless something inside you resists it).

Another form of repetition is advising your friends:

Don’t be surprised, one of the strongest forms of repetition is advising your friends. Take religion for example, when you advise your friends to pray then you are actually advising yourself too as a result of hearing yourself repeating those beliefs!! The subconscious mind does not know the difference between someone repeating the idea or you repeating it.
So by advising a friend you are actually reinforcing the belief or the idea in your mind. This concept goes for emotions too. If you're trying to motivate someone, then you are actually motivating yourself too without noticing. The only case where this can't be properly applied is when you are not sure of your own beliefs.

Repetition and making someone love you

Repetition can result in making someone fall in love with you!! In my book How to make someone fall in love with you i explained how people only fall in love with potential partners they come in contact with often.
That's why people usually have problems with long distance relationships. When people see each other more often they become more programmed to like each other and they become more attached to each other.

final words

That’s why many religions consider rereading their Holy Book a good deed. All the ideas in the Holy Book will be reinforced in your mind more and more as you keep reading.
If you want to strengthen an idea or a belief, repeat it more and more; talk about it to everybody, the more you talk about it, the stronger you will believe in it.
2knowmysef is not a complicated medical website nor is it a boring online encyclopedia; it’s a place of simple, to the point and effective information that is presented in a simple and obvious way. If you think that this is some kind of marketing hype then see what other visitors say about 2knowmyself.
The book How to make someone fall in love with you is one of the publications; the book is to dramatically increase your chances of having someone fall in love with you.
 everything you hear is recorded in your subconscious mind, and affects how your life "plays out

you may not know this, but knowledge is transformational. In other words everything you hear is recorded in your subconscious mind, and affects how your life "plays out".

Saturday, February 8, 2014

An idea is always a combination of existing things.

Therefore: seeing relationships between things is the most important skill to practice creating ideas.

Step One: Absorb
This is the part that most people skip. Don’t.

There are two types of information you’ll need: specific and general.

Specific information comes from studying your subject closely. You need to eat all the information that exists about your subject. Go to it/her/them/there and experience it deeply. Pay very close attention, and don’t let up.

General information comes from knowledge about life, and current events/science. You must continue to grow your resources in this category your entire life. But for the purpose of this exercise, balance your specific information gathering with reading the news, going to museums, or learning anything new or unrelated to your topic.

Step Two: Mix the pot
Jam the information you’ve gathered into combinations you never thought possible. Mind map. Make associative lists. Give your mind a work-out. Don’t try to think of answers, just more questions.

Mind map of Time Management via Dianna Podmoroff
This is where relationship-sensing comes in handy. Practice playing with words and ideas.

Try to really ‘listen’ for the relationships between elements, instead of forcing one.

During this stage you’ll probably have tons of ‘fuzzy’ and half-baked ideas—write these all down! They’re additional building blocks for you to use and mull over.

Once you’ve simply exhausted all of your data…

Step Three: Leave it to the Subconscious
Take a nap. Seriously. Or just go to bed. Drop it.

“…The creations involve a period of conscious work, followed by a period of unconscious work…”
Henri Poincare
Put the project out of your mind and do whatever it is that makes you feel great. Hiking, music, running, anything that you enjoy. The point is to let your subconscious mind take the wheel for a little while.

Step Four: Eureka!
The next morning, while you’re frying eggs, you’re going to be struck with inspiration. Or maybe when you’re walking the dog. Or in the shower. Or on the bus. Or whatever it is that you do that’s routine and your mind begins to wander… BOOM!

“Just think about it deeply, then forget it…then an idea will jump up in your face.”
Don Draper, Madmen s.1 e.11
Relish in the glory of your own mind for a moment. Only a moment, though— because the hardest part is yet to come.

Step Five: Develop & Shape the Idea into Actual Usefulness
Most ideas need to be bent, stretched, or otherwise modified from their original form before they join us in the physical plane.

Put your idea out there and embrace feedback. Although it may be painful to watch your mind-child be critiqued and battered from the input of others (who clearly don’t share the same creative genius as you!), it will help develop it from ‘a good idea’ into something really worthwhile.

Learn as much as you can about the topic
Spend time ‘chewing’ your thoughts and mixing them together
Do something else and let your subconscious work
The idea will appear out of thin air in your mind
Share your idea and bring it into reality
If you can understand that ideas are combination of existing things, practice discovering relationships, and follow these steps (in order), you will produce many ideas!

This is a highly abbreviated version of a book I’ve read several times called: A Technique For Producing Ideas, by James Webb Young. It was written 70 years ago and is “THE classic on creative thinking” according to amazon. If you like what you read here I highly recommend buying the book, or at the very least, clicking the recommend button below.

Suggest a link for further reading

Thursday, February 6, 2014


Repetition is the Mother of Learning


Today I want to start off with a little story about repetition:

Bob proctor once told a story about his life where he was working so hard that it nearly killed him until one day, when he met a man. That man changed Bob Proctors life forever. He changed Bob’s life because he told him to go and get a book. Bob tired of living the life that he was living, wanting to live a lifestyle like the man, took his advice, and bought the book. Bob’s life was forever transformed. The man told Bob that the book was the key to success. That he had to follow everything in it and surely, he would have success.

Bob took that book and read it repeatedly.

The Classic Napoleon Hill Masterpiece THINK AND GROW RICH [Illustrated & Annotated]

Every day for every circumstance in his life, he referred to the book. Today, Bob Proctor is very well known. He is a mentor, a teacher and encourager of people all around the world. If you do not know of him, I invite you to discover him. Just click on the picture. images (1)

Bob still has that book. It is an old ratty, obviously used and very important tool. Why do you think it is old and ratty? Because Bob knows that reading that book repeatedly would help him reach his goals. Bob knows that you never get anywhere by just reading it once. You never get ahead by just doing it once. You will never become a master of your trade by just doing it once.
Some people question and wonder why it is supposedly so important to get on the company calls when they had heard them all before. “Ya, I read the book, I know this stuff.” Really?
I home school my kids and I know the only way to master multiplication is through repetition.I know that history is a subject that is repeated grade after grade with a bit more information every year that the student’s intellect increases. The same is true for subjects like science, social studies and more.
In all my 20 years of teaching, I know that the best way to ensure my students know is through repetition.
Therefore, if I were expecting them to study math history and science repeatedly, why would I not study my leaders, trainers and teachers? Why would I not study them repeatedly?

Repitition can help you in any area of your life.

You see if I am going to read a book on conquering fear I cannot think that after reading that book I have mastered fear. Suspend reality for a moment and think that in one book you did, could you teach what you know? Are you now an expert? Well, the answer is obvious, no. You probably could not teach what you learn after the first time and I am sure you could not be an expert.p_119
In the home based industry what makes us stand out, what makes YOU marketable is if you know what you are talking about; if you are an expert. People are in need of help and if you do not know, you cannot help. It is time for you to become an expert.
I was once listening to training and the woman who was training us kept quoting people who were in alignment of what she was saying. I used to be impressed with how much information she had to offer but now I am not only impressed but also empowered by her.
You see, repeatingly reading, listening to Audio or watching video every day on the same subjects helps your mind to absorb the information. The more you absorb, the more excited you become. The more excited, the more motivated you are and the easier it is to help others.
images (8)That is why Empower wants you to train every day on the 8 core commitments. If every day you watch and listen to the new member recruiting, then when you do get a customer you will sound just like Dave and Dave. You will sound like an expert even if you had never sponsored a single person.
Live your life in abundance! “You do not know how to live in abundence” you say. Then start listening to audio that talks about the power of abundance and soon you will be feeling it. Watch videos about it to help get you emotionally involved in what you want. Read books about acquiring abundance. It is like blitzing you brain! Feed it so much repetition and it cannot help but to remember. Listen to your leaders and take note of what they read and what they train on; then do the same.
images (2)

Every day you must do training for your business and a separate training for your mind.

Daily repitition of the process gets you closer to your goals.

Learning about your home business is much like learning to drive a car. There is the learning curve of bumps, jumps, slow starts, quick acceleration and then the sudden stop. However, once you get the hang of it the drive becomes easier. images (32)
As you drive repeatedly, you become one with the car. Often, when you are driving to a repeated destination like the market, you drive almost as if you were on autopilot.teach and then you go learn it again from someone else. You can never have too many teachers and you can never repeat the education enough.
Put your business on autopilot! As you learn, there are going to be curves, bumps, jumps, slow starts, quick acceleration and then the sudden stop. However, once you get the hang of it the blogging, marketing, syndicating, mind set, positive thinking, belief, faith and all the other components you will learn will be as easy as driving a car.

I hope this helped you understand how important daily repetition helps you reach your goals.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Stop Loss
Once we have decided what percentage to risk on each trade, we can calculate the number of shares to buy or sell. This requires knowing the stop loss location. In other words, the trader needs to decide the point at which he or she will admit defeat if the trade does not go his or her way. 
Stop losses are tricky. Most traders who use them err on the side of being too tight. They place their stops too close together. Many others don't use them at all and leave themselves unprotected. Others use fixed dollar stops that do not take volatility into account.                                 

 The key to profitable trading is a well-placed stop loss, and much time should be spent on investigating this subject.

Where exactly should we give up on a trade? In theory, I believe the optimal point to leave a trade is when we can see the next entry. For example, if the market is in an uptrend, there comes a point where a pullback becomes big enough to warrant selling the position in case a major trend reversal is at hand. 
By leaving at this inflection point, we avoid a potential major trend reversal. If the uptrend shows us the money by reasserting itself after a period of weakness, we can re-enter the trade with a setup designed to buy pullbacks. This way, we always trade from a position of financial -- and mental -- strength.

Amaranth Advisors Hedge Fund Ruined by Ignoring ‘Risk of Ruin’

I finally got around to reading about the blowup of Amaranth Advisors hedge fund. I’m astounded that some of these supposedly sophisticated hedge funds apparently have no clue about such basic concepts like money managementposition sizing and ‘risk of ruin‘. The disaster at this fund is a great illustration of why I’ve always said that and understanding of money management and risk management are the most important aspects of trading. Here are some excerpts from the article (emphasis is mine):
Of all the traders gambling big sums on energy, a 32-year-old Canadian named Brian Hunter made some of the brashest bets and the fastest money.
Brash, eh? Let’s look at the definition of brash, just to be clear — impulsive, brazen, Heedless of consequences, presumptuously daring . Enough said!
At the end of August, trading natural gas, he was up approximately $2 billion for the year. Then Mr. Hunter lost roughly $5 billion, in about a week.
His losses savaged returns for Amaranth, dragging its assets under management down to $4.5 billion from $9 billion at the start of September.
Those are some incredible swings for a fund that I guess was around $7 billion to start. That can’t be safe. :-)
“The cycles that play out in the oil market can take several years, whereas in natural gas, cycles take several months,” Mr. Hunter said in an interview late in July, when his returns were looking rosy. “Every time you think you know what these markets can do, something else happens.
Hmm, if things are so unpredictable maybe you should be trading smaller. :-? I guess Brian and Amaranth never heard of Black Swans.
At that time, Mr. Hunter had more than $3 billion of bets outstanding, investors familiar with the funds’ holdings say.
So he had somewhere around 50% of the fund in play on natural gas. Most sensible traderswon’t risk more than 2% of their account in any one sector / instrument. There’s no telling how much of Anaren’s capital was actually at risk because apparently Brian didn’t use stops or have a point where he’d know he was wrong and exit.
continued taking positions some other traders had abandoned as too risky.
Remember, he’s brash!
Backed by borrowed money and a deep-pocketed fund, Mr. Hunter took on more exposure to certain futures contracts than do some big investment banks employing more than 100 energy traders, say several traders and ex-colleagues. He sometimes held open positions to buy or sell tens of billions of dollars of commodities.
Apparently the fund’s pockets weren’t that deep. I hope those positions were hedged since they were using a lot of margin and apparently holding for long periods of time.
He was up for the year roughly $2 billion by April, scoring a return of 11% to 13% that month alone, say investors in the Amaranth fund. Then he had a loss of nearly $1 billion in May when prices of gas for delivery far in the future suddenly collapsed, investors add. He won back the $1 billion over the summer, only to lose that and much more last week.
His swift reversal calls into question how well some hedge funds grasp the risk they are taking in the now-popular energy markets. Vince Kaminski, a risk-management expert who protested chancy trades while at Enron Corp. and until recently was at Citigroup Inc.’s commodities desk, said yesterday that it is dangerous to take giant positions in relatively shallow markets, which certain months are in gas futures. “This is a typical mistake of inexperienced and aggressive traders,” he said. Mr. Hunter “appeared to have a position that the entire market knew about. The markets are very cruel.” Citing a well-known epigram, Mr. Kaminski added, “‘The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent.‘”
Obviously this fund had no clue about their risk!
Nick Maounis, Amaranth’s founder and chief executive, said in August that more than a dozen members of his risk-management team served as a check on his star gas trader. “What Brian is really, really good at is taking controlled and measured risk,” Mr. Maounis said.
Damn, they actually had a risk-management team? Scary.
As for Brian being “really good at taking controlled and measured risk”, look what happened at his previous employer, Deutsche Bank:
In December 2003, just as his group was close to ending the year up $76 million, he claimed in the suit, things went awry. In a single week, they had losses of $51.2 million, he said in the suit. He blamed “an unprecedented and unforeseeable run-up in gas prices”
There he goes blaming his troubles on that darn unpredictable market. Hmm, maybe that’s why people take measures to control their risk!
Mr. Hunter wanted to make bigger bets in his main market, gas. He had an ability to keep calm with huge bets on the line and markets were going berserk.
I bet he was calm since it wasn’t his own money on the line!
Although Mr. Hunter had fared well, many traders say he was acquiring positions that were too large to get out of if the market turned — including a bullish bet on winter gas.
Another aspect of position sizing… why would you ever take such large positions? That makes no sense. Good thing that risk-management team was on the job. ;-)
The sad thing is that all of this drama could have been avoided if these guys simply had an understanding of the concept of “risk of ruin“:
The risk of ruin is the chance that standard deviation will destroy your bankroll before you have a chance to win at the levels you expect. Remember, the edge that you have is just like the edge the casino has – anything could happen in the short term.
To avoid risk of ruin, make sure that your bet size is a small (very small) percentage of your overall bankroll. If you have a $10,000 bankroll, and you’re betting $1000 per hand at blackjack, then you probably won’t be playing long, no matter how well you count cards or how well you’ve mastered basic strategy.
On the other hand, if you have a $10,000 bankroll, and you’re making $10 bets on hands of blackjack, you’re going to have a lot better chance of finishing your trip to the casino a winner instead of a loser. The bigger your bankroll in comparison to your average bet, the lower your risk of ruin.
Here are some other useful articles on money management and risk of ruin:
  • Money Management by Bennett McDowell — “Money management in trading involves specialized techniques combined with your own personal judgment. Failure to adhere to a sound money management program can leave you subject to a deadly “Risk-Of-Ruin” exposure and most probable equity bust.”
  • Risk of Ruin — “Again this should be obvious: The smaller the amount you risk for any one trade relative to your capital base the lower the risk of ruin.”
  • To Trade or Not to Trade? The Real Question Is How Much? by Teresa Lo — ” Risk management. Money management. Trade size. Position size. Optimal f. Kelly Criterion. Collectively, these phrases determine a trader’s ultimate fate.” and ” In trading, there is a well-defined line between aggressive and insane risk-taking.”
If it isn’t already obvious, the primary goal is to stay in the game & live to trade another day. If you can do that and have a decent strategy (with a positive expectancy) the profits should take care of themselves.
i find myself looking at the Margin at AMP trading. right now i have my ninjatrader set for three contracts. ES, ZF, M6A; but i'm looking at more contracts because i want to trade more contracts. so i need to continue to repeat the mantra
"i expect to lose a lot of money in my current trade"
"i'm gonna lose a lot of money in the trade that i just put on"

Margins Explanation: (Initial vs. DayTrade)

Initial Margin is set by the exchange. This is the amount required to carry a contract past the daily close.

DayTrade Margin is set by AMP. This is the amount required to enter into a position per contract on an intraday basis.
These margins are in effect anytime the market is open, except the last 5 minutes of each trading session.
AMP request that you either flatten open positions or meet the exchange required initial margin during this time period.

Full list of trading hours, click here
By Market Group

Stock Index

NameSymbolExchangeInitial MarginDayTrade Margin
SFE SPI 200APSydney Futures Exchange (SFE)$6,000.00$1,800.00
Continuous Commodity IndexCCIICE Futures U.S.$8,030.00$4,000.00
Big Dow DJIA ($25)DDCBOT/Globex$13,750.00$7,500.00
E-mini S&P MidCap 400EMDCME/Globex$6,050.00$1000.00
E-mini S&P CNX Nifty 50 IndexEMFCME/Globex$3,500.00$1000.00
S&P CNX Nifty IndexENSingapore Exchange (SGX)$3,500.00$1000.00
E-mini S&P 500 IndexESCME/Globex$4,510.00$400.00
MDAX FuturesF2MXEurex$4,500.00$1,500.00
CAC-40 IndexFCELIFFE$3,300.00$1,500.00
DAX IndexFDAXEurex$23,264.00$2,500.00
Dow Jones Euro STOXX 50FESXEurex$3,138.00$500.00
DJ STOXX 50FSTXEurex$2,200.00$500.00
E-micro S&P CNX Nifty 50 IndexMNFCME/Globex$700.00$500.00
NIKKEI 225 IndexNKSingapore Exchange (SGX)$2,000.00$1,000.00
NIKKEI 225NKDCME/Globex$3,038.00$1,500.00
E-mini NASDAQ 100 IndexNQCME/Globex$3,080.00$500.00
USD Nikkei 225 IndexNUSingapore Exchange (SGX)$3,000.00$1,500.00
Mini-Russell 1000RFICE Futures U.S.$3,300.00$1,650.00
Russell 2000 Index Mini ($100)TFICE Futures U.S.$4,730.00$500.00
MSCI Taiwan Stock IndexTWSingapore Exchange (SGX)$1,500.00$750.00
FTSE 250 IndexYLIFFE$4,500.00$2,750.00
Dow Jones ($5) MiniYMCBOT/Globex$3,300.00$500.00
FTSE 100 IndexZLIFFE$4,500.00$1,500.00
Dow Jones Industrial AverageZDJCBOT/Globex$5,500.00$3,000.00
NASDAQ 100 IndexZNDCME/Globex$11,000.00$6,250.00
S&P 500 Index ($250)ZSPCME/Globex$19,250.00$11,000.00


NameSymbolExchangeInitial MarginDayTrade Margin
Australian Dollar6ACME/Globex$2,013.00$500.00
British Pound6BCME/Globex$1,815.00$500.00
Canadian Dollar6CCME/Globex$1,265.00$500.00
Japanese Yen6JCME/Globex$3,850.00$500.00
Mexican Peso6NCME/Globex$2,200.00$500.00
Swiss Franc6SCME/Globex$2,640.00$500.00
Dollar IndexDXICE Futures U.S.$1,210.00$500.00
E-mini EuroFXE7CME/Globex$1,375.00$500.00
E-mini Japanese YenJ7CME/Globex$1,925.00$500.00
E-micro AUD/USDM6ACME/Globex$201.00$100.00
E-micro GBP/USDM6BCME/Globex$182.00$100.00
E-micro USD/CADM6CCME/Globex$187.00$100.00
E-micro EUR/USDM6ECME/Globex$275.00$100.00
E-micro USD/JPYM6JCME/Globex$385.00$100.00
E-micro USD/CHFM6SCME/Globex$264.00$100.00


NameSymbolExchangeInitial MarginDayTrade Margin
ICE Brent Crude OilBRNICE Europe$5,300.00$2,000.00
Crude OilCLNYMEX/Globex (NYMEXG)$4,510.00$1,000.00
Gas OilGASICE Europe$5,500.00$2,000.00
Heating OilHONYMEX/Globex (NYMEXG)$4,290.00$2,000.00
Natural GasNGNYMEX/Globex (NYMEXG)$2,585.00$500.00
E-mini Natural GasQGNYMEX/Globex (NYMEXG)$646.00$500.00
E-mini Heating OilQHNYMEX/Globex (NYMEXG)$2,415.00$1,000.00
E-mini Crude LightQMNYMEX/Globex (NYMEXG)$2,255.00$500.00
E-mini Unleaded GasolineQUNYMEX/Globex (NYMEXG)$2,750.00$1,000.00
ICE Heating OilQHOICE Europe$7,392.00$2,000.00


NameSymbolExchangeInitial MarginDayTrade Margin
GoldGCCOMEX/Globex (COMEXG)$8,800.00$1,000.00
CopperHGCOMEX/Globex (COMEXG)$4,070.00$1,000.00
E-micro GoldMGCCOMEX/Globex (COMEXG)$880.00$250.00
PalladiumPANYMEX/Globex (NYMEXG)$4,400.00$1,000.00
PlatinumPLNYMEX/Globex (NYMEXG)$3,465.00$1,000.00
miNY CopperQCCOMEX/Globex (COMEXG)$2,035.00$500.00
miNY SilverQICOMEX/Globex (COMEXG)$8,438.00$4,000.00
miNY GoldQOCOMEX/Globex (COMEXG)$4,556.00$500.00
SilverSICOMEX/Globex (COMEXG)$12,375.00$8,000.00
Mini SilverYINYSE LIFFE US$2,635.00$1,500.00
100 oz GoldZGNYSE LIFFE US$9,720.00$5,000.00
5000 oz SilverZINYSE LIFFE US$17,500.00$8,000.00
Mini GoldZYGNYSE LIFFE US$3,352.00$500.00


NameSymbolExchangeInitial MarginDayTrade Margin
Euro Bund 10-YearFGBLEurex$2,723.00$1000.00
Euro Bobl 5-YearFGBMEurex$1,409.00$500.00
Euro Schatz 2-YearFGBSEurex$536.00$175.00
LIBOR One MonthGLBCME/Globex$338.00$100.00
90-Day Bank AcceptIRSydney Futures Exchange (SFE)$750.00$250.00
SGX Mini 10-Year JGBJBSingapore Exchange (SGX)$1,050.00$500.00
Short Sterling 3-MonthLLIFFE$580.00$175.00
Long GiltRLIFFE$3,000.00$1000.00
US 10-Year Interest Rate SwapSRCBOT/Globex$1,822.00$550.00
Ultra T-BondUBCBOT/Globex$4,208.00$2,000.00
ASX 10-Year Aus Treasury BondXTSydney Futures Exchange (SFE)$2,825.00$1000.00
ASX 3-Year Aus Interest Rate SwapYTSydney Futures Exchange (SFE)$1,050.00$350.00
US 3-Year US Treasury NotesZ3NCBOT/Globex$675.00$350.00
US 30-Year Treasury BondZBCBOT/Globex$2,750.00$500.00
US 5-Year Treasury NoteZFCBOT/Globex$990.00$250.00
US 10-Year Treasury NoteZNCBOT/Globex$1,623.00$500.00
Fed Funds 30-Day Interest RateZQCBOT/Globex$405.00$250.00
US 2-Year Treasury NoteZTCBOT/Globex$275.00$100.00


NameSymbolExchangeInitial MarginDayTrade Margin
Mini-Sized CornXCCBOT/Globex$473.00$250.00
Mini-Sized SoybeansXKCBOT/Globex$945.00$500.00
Mini-Sized WheatXWCBOT/Globex$540.00$350.00
Soybean OilZLCBOT/Globex$2,025.00$850.00
Soybean MealZMCBOT/Globex$3,038.00$1,350.00
Rough RiceZRCBOT/Globex$1,485.00$850.00


NameSymbolExchangeInitial MarginDayTrade Margin
CocoaCCICE Futures U.S.$990.00$700.00
CottonCTICE Futures U.S.$1,760.00$1,375.00
Milk Class IIIDCCME/Globex$1,755.00$875.00
CoffeeKCICE Futures U.S.$2,750.00$2,150.00
Orange JuiceOJICE Futures U.S.$1,650.00$1,000.00
Sugar #11SBICE Futures U.S.$825.00$775.00


NameSymbolExchangeInitial MarginDayTrade Margin
Feeder CattleGFCME/Globex$2,025.00$1,225.00
Lean HogsHECME/Globex$1,350.00$850.00
Live CattleLECME/Globex$1,013.00$825.00

Note: The hours above are based on Exchange times.

DayTrading margins are twice the displayed amount for account balances exceeding $100K.

Disclaimer: The above information was drawn from sources believed to be reliable.
Although it is believed that information provided is accurate, no guarantee is made.
AMP Global Clearing, LLC assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions