.5/5/2014. i can't really give up on the brainwave entrainment or the hypnosis. the hypnosis is more helpful then brainwaves entrainment to me cause it completely blocks the voices in my head. and that's most important to me. a few hours of peace from the voices in my head.
5/6/2014. i'm still watching lottery videos, brainwave entrainment and hypnosis audio. i can't see myself stopping this. cause the voice will always be there. just like they were in 2004 when i was in high school.
5/14/2014. haven't watched the lottery visualization or brainwave entrainment the last three days. but now i'm back to it. cause i do hear voices and that's my reason to come back to this. wanted to start writing loglines using blake snyder's teaching but i can't find a personal reason. i know if i write a great script that could start a lucritive career. but what reason do i have to do this for 3-8 years until i write that great script. i can't come with a personal reason
5/16/2014. i have been listening to theta brainwaves but i'm gonna switch up to gamma. the voices are still very loud in my head even after 1-2 hours of listening to theta.
so i promise to listen to brainwave entraiment alpha/theta or gamma and hyponis lottery winning audio and self discipline audia and also watch lottery winning visualizations. until i no longer hear voices. 5/5/2014......considering that i was hearing voice in 2004 senior year of high school and ten years later still. i think i'll still be hearing voices in 2024
5/23/2014. today i start listening to the songwriting hypnosis tape with theta brainwaves. i got to say very good. i have the songwriting books but never read them, i don't have enought reasons, but i have reasons to listen to the hypnosis tapes. i'm mentally ill. have been since high school back in 2002. still is twelve years later. so i'll always be doing trying to quiet the voices and in the process hopefully program the subconscious to write hit songs.
5/25/2014. if i'm still listening to the songwriting hypnosis in 3 or 6 months then i will go on to blake snyder's concept and character. and have the same guy do a hypnosis tape for character/concept/theme for me. so septermber-november. update 6/13/2l014. i mostly listen to songwriting. ocassionally listen to the lotter winning. i'm still waiting to get the hypnosis for screenwriting and and sketch comedy.
5/26/2014. medical students hit the books the first two years of med school before getting to do patient interaction the third year. so they program the subconscious first then the application comes the third year. little by little. do the same with songwriting/lottery hyponisis. listen to it for two years and then let the subconscious use it to apply it and win the lotto and write hit songs etc.
6/1/2014..... just after midnight the first of june. so i did the brainwave entrainment the whole month of may except for three days. things are no different with crime. same robberies and murders. black on white shootings. etc. last two days i haven't been feeling too well. hope to continue with the brainwave entrainment. maybe try delta brainwaves. so i missed three days today last month. but the last two days of may i was feeling down. so i really missed
6/15/2014.........so i finally got the mp3 for the screenplay and sketch comedy. right now. i'm really going to focus on songwriting and screenplay, but i will listen to the sketch comedy and lottery accosinally but main focus is songwriting/screenwriting.....it's 12:26 AM.
6/28/2014. in two days i'll be two months since i've been watching the lottery videos. i'm excited cause i feel i like i can just keep going and going. there's nothing else i can do. so i quiet the voices with the hypnosis and i watch the lottery visualizations. and i hope it pays off in 8-9 months. i had a vascetomy so i can't give birth to a baby. but maybe give birth to lottery winnings and hit songs and tv shows.
today i'm going to find a good beat on youtube. i'm going to vibe with the beat and start mubling melodies to the beat. today is 4/28/2014. will i still be repeating this intention in 6/28/2014
7/2/2014 i used to listen to screenplay hypnosis audio but something tells me i should listen to lottery hypnosis audio. so from today on i'll be listening to lottery hypnosis and alternate between song and screenwriting. so one day lottery hypnosis and songwriting. next day lottery hypnosis and screenwriting. back and forth