PGI’s vision is “to significantly improve the quality of lives globally by elevating the quality of thoughts individually.”
One of the ways we do that is by sharing life-changing ideas with
millions around the world. Ideas that dissolve boundaries and show
people what is possible when they think differently.
Well, the other day, as I was preparing for our upcoming Classics
Seminar, I came across four ideas that definitely fall into the
life-changing category.
I would like to share those ideas with you today. If you will take
them in, and make them your habitual way of thinking, your life will
never be the same.
Your Invisible Power
(from Chapter 9: How I Attracted to Myself
Twenty Thousand Dollars)
“My mind is a center of Divine operations.” I endeavored to keep this
statement in the back part of my consciousness all the time with no
thought in mind as how the money might be obtained. Probably the reason
why there was no thought of the avenues through which the money might
reach me was because I could not possibly imagine where the $20,000
would come from. So I simply held my thought steady and let the power of
attraction find its own ways and means.
One day while walking on the street, taking deep breathing exercises,
the thought came: “My mind is surely a center of Divine operation. If
God fills all space, then God must be in my mind also; if I want this
money to study with Troward that I may know the truth of Life, then both
the money and the truth must be mine, though I am unable to feel or see
the physical manifestations of either; still,” I declared, “it must be
While these reflections were going on in my mind, there seemed to
come up from within me the thought: “I am all the substance there is.”
Then, from another channel in my brain the answer seemed to come, “Of
course, that’s it; everything must have its beginning in mind. The “I”
the Idea, must be the only one and primary substance there is, and this
means money as well as everything else.” My mind accepted this idea, and
immediately all the tension of mind and body was relaxed.
There was a feeling of absolute certainty of being in touch with all
the power Life has to give. All thought of money, teacher, or even my
own personality, vanished in the great wave of joy which swept over my
entire being. I walked on and on with this feeling of joy steadily
increasing and expanding until everything about me seemed aglow with
resplendent light. Every person I passed was illuminated as I was. All
consciousness of personality had disappeared, and its place there came
that great and almost overwhelming sense of joy and contentment.
You Were Born Rich
(from Chapter 3: The Image-Maker)
The knowledge of Image-Making eliminates competition from your life,
by moving you from the competitive plane to the creative plane. You will
soon understand therefore, that in truth, the only competition you will
ever have is with your own ignorance.
This idea truly excites me. To be more accurate, I should probably
say sharing this idea with you excites me, because I know how it can
improve every aspect of your life. I honestly love watching people grow
or unfold as new ideas register in their consciousness.
But before I delve into this idea, please understand that everyone is
using the Image-Making concept and everyone always has. In fact,
everything that has ever come into your life has come as a direct result
of the Image-Making process. Therefore, if you will only become aware
of the results which you have obtained you will realize you have already
employed this great mental tool. Just take a look at the results most
people obtain. Generally speaking, you could say it is quite obvious
that when they make use of their Image-Making ability, they almost
always use it in the wrong way.
You Are An Image-Maker
Most religions teach that God is responsible for everything made in
this world and I would fully subscribe to this proposition. However, as
co-creators, human beings must bear responsibility for WHAT God makes in
their lives.
The Science of Getting Rich
(from Chapter 14: The Impression of Increase)
In following the certain way—as described in the foregoing pages—you
are getting continuous increase for yourself, and you are giving it to
all with whom you deal. You are a creative center from which increase is
given to all.
Be sure of this, and convey assurance of this fact to every man,
woman, and child with whom you come in contact. No matter how small the
transaction—even if it is only selling of a stick of candy to a little
child—put into this action the thought of increase and make sure that
the customer is impressed with the thought.
Convey the impression of advancement with everything you do, so that
all people shall receive the impression that you are an advancing person
and that you advance all who deal with you. Also, give people who you
meet socially the thought of increase.
Think and Grow Rich
(from Step 8 Toward Riches: Persistence)
There are four simple steps which lead to the habit of persistence.
They call for no great amount of intelligence, no particular amount of
education, and but little time or effort. The necessary steps are:
1. A definite purpose backed by a burning desire for its fulfillment.
2. A definite plan, expressed in continuous action.
3. A mind closed tightly against all
negative and discouraging influences, including negative suggestions of
relatives, friends and acquaintances.
4. A friendly alliance with one or two more persons who will encourage one to follow through with both plan and purpose.
The preceding four steps are essential for success in all walks of life. The entire purpose of the thirteen principles of the
Think and Grow Rich philosophy is to enable one to take these steps as a matter of habit.
Read these ideas every day,
and report back to us in 30 days
Print these pages and read them every day. Internalize the feelings
you have as you read. That will allow your emotions to start aligning
with these life-changing ideas, and begin to pull away from your
If you impress these ideas on your subconscious mind over and over, they
will manifest in your life.
Discipline yourself to do this each day for a month. If you do, it
will be a game changer for how you think of yourself and what you’re
capable of.
To more and better,
Sandy Gallagher
P.S. These ideas, which come from the four powerful pieces of
literature we’ll be teaching at The Classics Event, are just four of
dozens of life-altering topics we’ll be covering April 1st-3rd.
There are still a few seats available for you to attend this
transformational weekend LIVE, OR we’ll be LIVE Streaming the event to
thousands around the world.
Click here to get more information about The Classics Event.