Thursday, June 9, 2016

dare to assume that you have a higher income. what keeps you assume day after day is your slight edge philosophy. if I remain faithful to this assumption over time, it will materialize. change the idea of yourself and you change yourself. what keeps you entertaining this new idea of yourself everyday is your slight edge philosophy. if you don't falter and do not change the assumption, if you remain faithful to the assumption it will harden into fact. because imagining creates reality. what keeps you assuming, what keeps you imagining Is your slight edge philosophy. hey buddy. if you want success you should read the slight edge. it teaches the keys to success. good luck

assumption though false if persisted in will become reality. what keeps you persisting in the assumption is your slight edge philosophy. imagining creates reality. what keeps you imagining is your slight edge philosophy. what keeps you faithful, living into a state is your slight edge philosophy hey buddy. if you want success you should read the slight edge. it teaches the keys to success. good luck.

all objective reality is solely produce through imagining. what keeps you imagining day by day is your slight edge philosophy. the vision has it's own appointed hour. it ripens. it will flower. if it be long then wait for it is sure that it will not be late. when you know what you want, remain faithful to your assumption and the assumption at the moment though denied by your senses, if you persist in it it will harden into fact. what keeps you faithful is your slight edge philosophy . hey buddy. if you want success you should read the slight edge. it teaches the keys to success. good luck.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

march 20, 2017
I will turn 31 years old.
I hope i'm still listening to self-talk... I command 100 million dollars to come to me
I hope I'm still writing in my scrivener 3 times a day.
I hope i'm still reading the slight edge everyday
I hope I'm still exercising on the treadmill for 20 minutes

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

I just received the first edition of the slight edge, so now I have all three editions. I have the pdf for the 2nd edition and I have the book for the third edition. I still read this book everyday

Saturday, April 30, 2016

19. What Is Easy to Do Is Easy Not to Do  
One of Jim Rohn’s most quoted sayings, “What is easy to do is easy not to do,” has become a foundational pillar in the little-things-matter concept. It has become clear to me that most people know in their gut the simple things they need to do to achieve their personal best; they just don’t do them with consistency.   
We know we should listen without interrupting, but we still find ourselves interrupting. We know we need to finish our projects on time, yet we find ourselves missing deadlines. We know we should remember someone’s name, yet we don’t pay attention when introduced. We know we should answer that email or return that phone call, yet we keep putting it off. LITTLE THINGS do matter.  In the words of legendary basketball coach John Wooden, “Little things make big things happen.” 
Being consistent in doing the LITTLE THINGS you know you should do has many positive benefits beyond the obvious desired outcome of achieving your goals. You become more respected and admired. You develop new friendships and build deeper relationships. You feel better about the person you are becoming.  
So, why don’t we do the LITTLE THINGS that are easy to do? The reason is because they are so-o-o-o easy not to do—to neglect, to procrastinate, to promise ourselves that we will do it tomorrow. 
Another reason was identified by Napoleon Hill years ago: “A big success is made up from a great number of little circumstances each of which may seem so small and insignificant most people pass them by as not being worthy of notice.”  

What’s the reason you aren’t consistent in doing the LITTLE THINGS you know you should do?  Perhaps you have never focused on the importance of LITTLE THINGS. After all, how much of an impact could letting a few days go by before sending a written thank-you note to a prospective employer? In my mind, a lot—your competitor will get the job!  
Or perhaps another inhibiting factor to our productivity comes into play. In a recent interview on a popular blog for aspiring entrepreneurs, I was asked: What was the greatest obstacle you had to overcome in order to achieve your goals? My answer: laziness.  
I certainly know the LITTLE THINGS I need to do (I have been making a list of them for over 25 years) and I understand their importance.  To this day, though, I have to push myself to do the LITTLE THINGS I know I need to do. 
I also want to point out that the habits you exhibit in your professional life are often a reflection of your personal behavior. If your bedroom is a mess, then your car is probably a mess.  If you don’t have the discipline to clean your home and car, you will likely struggle with having the discipline to do the LITTLE THINGS required of you to achieve your professional goals. You can’t be one person at home and a different person at work. You are who you are! 
LTM Challenge 
If you want to achieve more in your life, if you want to grow as a person and achieve your personal best, then you must become a person who does the LITTLE THINGS that are both easy to do and easy not to do. This will likely be one of the greatest challenges you will ever take on, but if you

will make a commitment to use your personal initiative to do the things you know you should do with consistency, your life can be transformed. 
Your greatest successes in life come from your disciplined effort in doing the easy things that are easy not to do.  

Thursday, April 21, 2016

I read the slight edge everyday. and I exercise everyday for 20 minutes. I plan to buy all three editions of the slight edge as my Christmas present

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The day you dare to remain faithful to your assumption, it will begin to externalize itself

if you dwell on what I have told you this night, You will find that it will pay off in tremendous dividends. You will reach the point when you will know that your wish is already fulfilled.”

No matter what appears on the outside, I am its cause

Saturday, April 9, 2016

“Everything you can think of is present, now. You cannot conceive of something that is not already worked out in detail; but it is a shadow if you do not dwell in it.”
“It is just a possibility, but when you enter that shadow it seems the only substance.” – Neville Goddard

Monday, April 4, 2016

Education & Experience Don’t Guarantee Success—Attitude & Habits Do

The 5 difference-makers that fast-track your career
Professional success is a culmination of many factors. Your education matters—maybe not as much as you think, but a degree in your field can really jump-start your progress. Your experience certainly matters, but that can only come to you after years of dedication. Your talent matters, too, but aside from skills (which develop from experience) most of your talent is innate, meaning you have a natural tendency to perform well in certain areas more than others. Your network of contacts matters, but you can’t always control who you interact with. And ultimately, at least some of your career success is going to come down to a factor of luck.
Looking at these things, it seems like there is little you can control. But none of these things will matter if you neglect the most important things you need to create for yourself:

1. A Positive Attitude

The whole “positive attitude” angle might seem like a gimmick—after all, can you think of anybody successful who got to where they are only because they thought positive thoughts? Of course not. But you can trace almost any successful entrepreneur or professional’s journey and find at least one major obstacle that nearly disrupted everything. And in the face of that obstacle, they remained positive, which motivated action rather than submission, and eventually, they rose to the top.
Positive thinking is about more than helping you through the tough times. Research shows that positive self-talk, rather than negative self-talk, can actively reduce your stress levels, giving you greater physical and mental health and a greater capacity to perform to your maximum potential. The best part is that there aren’t any naturally positive or naturally negative people—your thoughts and your self-talk can be controlled with practice, meaning a positive attitude is something you can, and should, create for yourself.

2. Ongoing Habits

Our habits make us who we are. Over time, our repeated actions become automatic, or second nature, and once we’re in that groove it’s nearly impossible to break the chain. With bad habits, like sleeping through your first alarm or working through your breaks, this unbroken chain can come to destroy you. But with positive habits, like regularly reading or fact checking all of your work, this unbroken chain can lead you to success.
Though many habits form unconsciously through our natural actions, it is possible to create ongoing habits for yourself. The key to creating these habits is consistency—if you want to start doing something every day, you must force yourself to start doing it on a daily basis, and don’t allow yourself to slip in the first few weeks. After a few rounds of consistent effort, it will become easier. Breaking bad habits can be tougher, but it’s entirely within your power.

3. Goals

While your specific job may have company goals that dictate your actions, your professional goals are entirely within your control. Create goals that are too lofty and you’ll never be able to make significant progress. Create goals that are too easy, and you’ll never reach your true potential.
The reliable standby for creating good goals is the SMART criteria—an acronym that describes the five key qualities that all goals must have: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-specific. In addition to meeting these criteria, you should create goals on multiple scales. For example, you should have broad, flexible long-term goals detailing your plans for your long-term success, but you should also have smaller, more immediate, actionable goals that can lead you to those broader visions, and medium-sized goals in between the two to act as milestones.

4. Tactical Plans

Goals are good for helping you to hone your desires and set the tone for your career, but without a solid plan of execution, those desires are only pipe dreams. As an extension of your goals, you must learn to create tactical plans that detail how you’re going to achieve those goals. That might include a list of tasks you must accomplish before reaching the goal, a series of strategies you’re going to use while pursuing that goal, or a list of prerequisites you’ll need to have before moving on to the next phase of your plan. If you’re having trouble coming up with an initial plan, you may need to do additional research before moving forward.

5. A Healthy Environment

As humans, we are often products of our environments, and in the professional world, this is no different. If your desk is messy, your mind may be more frantic and cluttered. If you work in a noisy area full of distractions, you’ll never be able to focus. But perhaps more importantly, if you’re surrounded with negative, apathetic or downright lazy people, you’ll never be able to motivate yourself to achieve your goals. If you’re working in a place that doesn’t acknowledge hard work, you’ll never be able to progress.
Create your own environment to maximize your chances for success, whether that means working within the confines of your current organization or moving on to a better opportunity. Surround yourself with the types of people who will lead you to success, and structure your work environment so you can be your most productive.
Once you start creating these things for yourself consistently and with dedication, you will find yourself naturally gravitating toward a path of success. With a strong vision in your mind and the right attitude and environment to carry you through the obstacles that lie ahead, there should be nothing stopping you from achieving your goals.
Do you have what it takes to succeed? Check out the 5 best (but unheard-of) books on success and be officially way smarter than everyone else.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

My every thought is a vibration, drawing to me that which it is implying. This Vital Principle was set up in the beginning. “As a man sows, so shall he reap.” It’s the law of identical harvest, called “seedtime and harvest” There will be no change. You plant apple seed, you will reap apple. Plant orange seeds and it  will grow into an orange tree, Everything flow and is caused by the human imagination.
As you imagine you vibrate and call forth that which you have imagined. Your world is forever bearing witness to what you are imagining. You may not recognize your harvest and deny you have ever had such a horrible thought, but no one did it to or for you, you did it yourself.
Everyone will bear the consequences of their imaginal acts, good, bad or indifferent. And you can try from now until the end of time to change the outside, but only when you change your way of thinking can you change your world.
Give people something on the outside to support them and you have conditioned their world and they will curse you when you stop your support. But show people how to use their imagination to attract what they want and you have given them the gift of life.
Individual man, having been conditioned to believe that God is somewhere in space as someone on the outside, cannot believe that everything he beholds is within him. But it is. Universial wisdom teaches us all that “The Truth is The Kingdom Of Heaven Is Within”.
At the present time three and a half billion of us walk the earth, individualized believing the world is taking place independent of our perception, we do not realize that our dreams are projecting themselves on this screen of space, and that we are in conflict with our dreams.
One day truth will awaken within you and all of your confusion will end. and you will finally realise and know that the confidence you have in yourself is the confidence of God expression. Now I know I must be the change I am searching for in humanity.
Here is an Action Step for you: When you notice your old self-talk, pivot off that and imagine better feeling thoughts. Become a magnet to what you desire and you will start attracting more of what you desire in your experience.

Saturday, March 26, 2016,%20Twitter,%20LinkedIn%20&utm_source=organic&utm_campaign=Mindful%20Monday%20Blog
PGI’s vision is “to significantly improve the quality of lives globally by elevating the quality of thoughts individually.”
One of the ways we do that is by sharing life-changing ideas with millions around the world. Ideas that dissolve boundaries and show people what is possible when they think differently.
Well, the other day, as I was preparing for our upcoming Classics Seminar, I came across four ideas that definitely fall into the life-changing category.
I would like to share those ideas with you today. If you will take them in, and make them your habitual way of thinking, your life will never be the same.
Your Invisible Power
(from Chapter 9: How I Attracted to Myself
Twenty Thousand Dollars)
“My mind is a center of Divine operations.” I endeavored to keep this statement in the back part of my consciousness all the time with no thought in mind as how the money might be obtained. Probably the reason why there was no thought of the avenues through which the money might reach me was because I could not possibly imagine where the $20,000 would come from. So I simply held my thought steady and let the power of attraction find its own ways and means.
One day while walking on the street, taking deep breathing exercises, the thought came: “My mind is surely a center of Divine operation. If God fills all space, then God must be in my mind also; if I want this money to study with Troward that I may know the truth of Life, then both the money and the truth must be mine, though I am unable to feel or see the physical manifestations of either; still,” I declared, “it must be mine.”
While these reflections were going on in my mind, there seemed to come up from within me the thought: “I am all the substance there is.” Then, from another channel in my brain the answer seemed to come, “Of course, that’s it; everything must have its beginning in mind. The “I” the Idea, must be the only one and primary substance there is, and this means money as well as everything else.” My mind accepted this idea, and immediately all the tension of mind and body was relaxed.
There was a feeling of absolute certainty of being in touch with all the power Life has to give. All thought of money, teacher, or even my own personality, vanished in the great wave of joy which swept over my entire being. I walked on and on with this feeling of joy steadily increasing and expanding until everything about me seemed aglow with resplendent light. Every person I passed was illuminated as I was. All consciousness of personality had disappeared, and its place there came that great and almost overwhelming sense of joy and contentment.
You Were Born Rich
(from Chapter 3: The Image-Maker)
The knowledge of Image-Making eliminates competition from your life, by moving you from the competitive plane to the creative plane. You will soon understand therefore, that in truth, the only competition you will ever have is with your own ignorance.
This idea truly excites me. To be more accurate, I should probably say sharing this idea with you excites me, because I know how it can improve every aspect of your life. I honestly love watching people grow or unfold as new ideas register in their consciousness.
But before I delve into this idea, please understand that everyone is using the Image-Making concept and everyone always has. In fact, everything that has ever come into your life has come as a direct result of the Image-Making process. Therefore, if you will only become aware of the results which you have obtained you will realize you have already employed this great mental tool. Just take a look at the results most people obtain. Generally speaking, you could say it is quite obvious that when they make use of their Image-Making ability, they almost always use it in the wrong way.
You Are An Image-Maker
Most religions teach that God is responsible for everything made in this world and I would fully subscribe to this proposition. However, as co-creators, human beings must bear responsibility for WHAT God makes in their lives.
The Science of Getting Rich
(from Chapter 14: The Impression of Increase)
In following the certain way—as described in the foregoing pages—you are getting continuous increase for yourself, and you are giving it to all with whom you deal. You are a creative center from which increase is given to all.
Be sure of this, and convey assurance of this fact to every man, woman, and child with whom you come in contact. No matter how small the transaction—even if it is only selling of a stick of candy to a little child—put into this action the thought of increase and make sure that the customer is impressed with the thought.
Convey the impression of advancement with everything you do, so that all people shall receive the impression that you are an advancing person and that you advance all who deal with you. Also, give people who you meet socially the thought of increase.
Think and Grow Rich
(from Step 8 Toward Riches: Persistence)
There are four simple steps which lead to the habit of persistence. They call for no great amount of intelligence, no particular amount of education, and but little time or effort. The necessary steps are:
1. A definite purpose backed by a burning desire for its fulfillment.
2. A definite plan, expressed in continuous action.
3. A mind closed tightly against all negative and discouraging influences, including negative suggestions of relatives, friends and acquaintances.
4. A friendly alliance with one or two more persons who will encourage one to follow through with both plan and purpose.
The preceding four steps are essential for success in all walks of life. The entire purpose of the thirteen principles of the Think and Grow Rich philosophy is to enable one to take these steps as a matter of habit.
Read these ideas every day,
and report back to us in 30 days
Print these pages and read them every day. Internalize the feelings you have as you read. That will allow your emotions to start aligning with these life-changing ideas, and begin to pull away from your paradigm.
If you impress these ideas on your subconscious mind over and over, they will manifest in your life.
Discipline yourself to do this each day for a month. If you do, it will be a game changer for how you think of yourself and what you’re capable of.
To more and better,
Sandy Gallagher
P.S. These ideas, which come from the four powerful pieces of literature we’ll be teaching at The Classics Event, are just four of dozens of life-altering topics we’ll be covering April 1st-3rd.
There are still a few seats available for you to attend this transformational weekend LIVE, OR we’ll be LIVE Streaming the event to thousands around the world. Click here to get more information about The Classics Event.

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Friday, March 25, 2016

P.S. When I decided to apply the same time to studying my Late Night Writing as I was putting into school, it was only 18 months later when I landed a job writing comedy in Late Night TV at the The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. Think about it; only 18 months!

200,005 Reasons to Write for Late Night TV

200,005 Reasons to Write for Late Night TV

Hi samuel jerome!

I get emails and comments all the time from people asking if they should pursue writing for Late Night TV.

I always answer with a resounding "Yes!" and I have solid reasoning to back it up. In fact I have 200,005 reasons you should pursue writing for Late Night TV.

But before we go there, let's back up for a moment and look at the traditional method people use to prepare for a career.

Most people go to college for 4-5 years, get the skill set they need to work in the career of their choice.

If it’s  a specialty like Doctor or lawyer, they put in an extra few years of law school or med school followed by internship and/or residency.

Now I whole heartedly believe that education is by far the best investment one can make in one's future.

Every single time I invested in learning a new skill set, my resulting revenue skyrocketed.

My sons are in college, just finishing up. One university costs $30,000 annually. The other one $12,000 annually.

That's quite an investment!

According to Forbes, when they graduate they are looking at a starting salary of $42,000 a year.

And that's IF they land a job in their specialty.

It doesn’t take an MIT graduate to realize it’s gonna take a while to make a profit on that investment.

To make matters worse, you're already 4-5 years in on your investment.

Which leads me to my 200,005 reasons to consider writing for Late Night TV:

REASON 1 thru 200,000
According to the Writer's Guild of America, the starting salary for a writer in Late Night is $4,000 per week. Most of these shows are yearly with around 10-12 weeks off. That's over $200,000 a year!

That's base starting pay!

If you write a 2-minute sketch and that gets on the air, you earn another 3,875.00. And if you write a song parody, you get ASCAP fees.

Not bad, but that’s not all...

REASON #200,001
Writing for Late Night TV is still one of the only jobs in the industry where you can get hired without experience and without a resume! You just have to show that you can write funny. That’s how I got my job writing for the Tonight Show with Jay Leno and how a lot of guys I know got their jobs.

REASON #200,002
The cost of the investment in the education to get the skills for Late Night TV writing is microscopic compared to traditional career preparation. I learned the skill set by studying with some of the top writers in the business. They showed me the process to write jokes and I turned it into several processes that ensured that I could sit down and produce 80-120 jokes from scratch every single day. Even on the days where I wasn't "feelin' it."

REASON #200,003
Access to this education used to only be available in L.A. or New York. Until now.
I've put together an online video course that will get you cranking out Late Night jokes like a machine. It's a systematic process that takes the guessing out of joke writing and helps you surpass the competition. So now, wherever you are, you can develop the skillset to write for Late Night TV you have no excuse not to dive in, get the skills and start submitting for a Late Night Writing job.

REASON #200,004
One thing they don't teach you in college is the secret behind getting the job in your career, but I will walk you through the simple secret of how to submit and how to find the right person to submit to and how to find out specifically what a particular show looks for in a submission packet.

REASON #200,005
For a limited time I'm launching this course and making it available to you at a 66 percent off the regular price. And when I say a limited time, I mean like 5 days limited! The Late Night TV Comedy Writing and Submission Course Online will never be available at this price again.

So there are your 200,005 reasons you should pursue a job in writing for Late Night TV.

Go get the course. Go get the job!

Rock n Roll!

P.S. When I decided to apply the same time to studying my Late Night Writing as I was putting into school, it was only 18 months later when I landed a job writing comedy in Late Night TV at the The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. Think about it; only 18 months!

While I know my college wasn't a waste of time, I wish I would've focused on what I love a lot earlier. How about you?

Saturday, March 12, 2016

i command 100 million dollars to come to me

everyday i listen to the same affirmation through Neuroprogrammer 3
I command 100 million dollars to come to me
in four years in november 2020 maybe i'll add a new affirmation
I command 100 million dollar lottery jackpots to come to me