Friday, October 4, 2024

Friday, March 29, 2024


February 24, 2007


With The Temporal Tap

By Gwenn Bonnell
Published Quality Life Magazine, Jan. 2002

I was skeptical when I first heard about tapping in positive statements to increase the flow of money into my life - affirmations were not my cup of tea. But I'll try almost anything once. So when a good friend of mine shared a powerful affirmation proven to increase self–esteem and attract abundance, I changed the wording around a bit to make it mine, and then experimented with my statement using the Temporal Tap technique.

Five days later, I was unexpectedly handed a check for over $18,000.00 and told to do with the money as I wished! And I mean this was TOTALLY unexpected, out of the blue. The day after that, our house was appraised at $75,000.00 more than we bought it for a few years prior. Within three weeks, my husband and I became proud owners of a condo on the beach - without having to pay cash up front. Now, although I have an abundant life, this was a pretty unusual four—week period, even for me! I was totally sold on the power of the Temporal Tap.

The "Temporal Tap" is a recently rediscovered ancient energy technique that is enormously effective in breaking old habits, attitudes and emotional responses and establishing new ones. Simply tapping around the top of the ear is a simple, direct and powerful tool that makes the brain more receptive to learning new habits and instilling new attitudes. It calms the part of the nervous system that fights to maintain your current belief systems and patterns of behavior, making it easy to instill new beliefs and attract success and prosperity into your life.


Begin by identifying a habit, attitude, or condition in your life that you would like to change. Then describe the change in a single sentence, and state it as an affirmation in present time as if the condition already exists. For example, you could say, "I joyfully receive abundance in my life," or "Right now, I am prosperous," or even "I always have more than enough money to pay my bills." Affirmations can be anything you wish to become true and operative in your life. They can be specific, such as, "I easily and successfully attract 5 new customers every day," or general, such as "There are plenty of customers for my services." And they can be used to increase success, no matter what your career choice: "I am making good money being a writer, artist, mechanic, hairdresser, etc."

It is important that the statements are in your native language or the one you are most comfortable with, in your own lingo, and aligned with your own values. For easy recall, make them short and to the point.

To perform the Temporal Tap, start tapping at the right temple in front of the ear canal and continue tapping on the scalp along the top edge of the ear until you reach the back center of the ear, just opposite where you started. The active spots are only along the upper half of the ear, from front center to back center. Tapping with all your fingertips bunched together ensures that you contact all the points along the Temporal—Sphenoidal (T—S) line. You do not have to tap too hard, just firmly enough to stimulate the energy. Perform three tapping repetitions, each time repeating your affirmation.

Since the effects of the Temporal Tap last about thirty minutes, wait at least that long or more before repeating the tap with the same affirmation. Doing the procedure several times a day can speed up the installation of new behavior and attitudes since reinforcement is an important part of the process. I tapped in my statement seven times a day at least. The more you tap in the affirmation, the quicker and stronger the effect and the easier your habits will change.

For increased effectiveness, write down your affirmation to make sure you are using the exact wording each time. However, if you think of a more appropriate statement, write down the new version and use that instead.

Temporal Tap separately for as many affirmations as you wish as long as you can easily address them all at least several times a day on a daily basis. Once your statement has become a part of your life, you can replace it with a new one.

Pay attention to what is going through your mind while you are saying the affirmations. For example, if you are stating, "I deserve prosperity and abundance in my life," and your self talk replies, "This is useless, I'm not educated enough to be rich," your statement isn't ringing true for you and needs to be changed. Perhaps saying, "I now have the ability to recognize and take advantage of opportunities that create prosperity," would be more effective. If you are stating, "Money flows easily into my life," and you hear the words, "My parents lived from paycheck to paycheck and so will I," then try something similar to, "I am more abundant than my parents because they want it that way." Be creative with your affirmations; find one that really resonates for you and that you can believe in.


Affirmations could be stated as, "I constantly do everything necessary to establish a positive flow of money in my life," "The universe always supports me," or "Everything I touch is a success." One student of mine used "My income increases whether I am working, sleeping or playing," and got hired at the next job she applied for. Another student's affirmations included "I'm helping lots and lots of people," and "I'm making oodles and oodles of money." Soon after, she took advantage of an opportunity to increase her client base and her income. She is now tapping in "I'm making a minimum of $500.00 a week." The possibilities for constructive affirmations are endless.

Temporal Tapping has helped people build confidence, optimism, and self–esteem while replacing old habits with constructive behavior. It can be used for almost any area of your personal life, including mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, occupational, domestic, and social. People have used it to lose weight (I enjoy eating healthy foods in the proper portions), to improve job performance (Right now, I complete my tasks easily and correctly), and even to stop fingernail biting (My fingernails are growing long and strong.) It is a simple yet powerful way to change many patterns or habits. Focus on what part of your life you most want to change, and create a simple affirmation that reflects your highest ideals.

What affirmation did I instill to bring newly found abundance into my life? "Right now, I deeply and completely accept myself in the presence of other people." You are welcome to experiment with this statement if it resonates with you. If you ever feel the Temporal Tap is not working, try changing the wording of the affirmation. Remember, it is important that the statement is comfortable for you and clearly reflects your goals. Use the language you are most familiar with, and words that are aligned with your values and feelings. Go for it: this is your chance to attract abundance into your life, right now!

Here's your chance to create powerful personal affirmations and instill them with the Temporal Tap: Get your video replay of my popular Temporal Tap Workshop (recorded live)

Gwenn Bonnell is an International Energy Coach & Trainer who uses Energy Methods (including the Temporal Tap and EFT - Emotional Freedom Techniques) to help you empower yourself.

For a printable Temporal Tap chart (Black & White) PLUS EFT charts in English & other languages, PLUS energy medicine charts including charts for animals, go to

© Gwenn Bonnell, Tap Into Heaven, Inc. All Rights Reserved
(954) 370-1552

The information in this article is for educational purposes only. This technique is not intended as a substitute for the medical recommendations of physicians or other healthcare providers. Rather, it is intended to offer information to help the reader cooperate with physicians and health professionals in a mutual quest for optimum well-being.



by Gwenn Bonnell

I was skeptical when I first heard about the Temporal Tap from Dr. Larry Nims. Then I saw Donna Eden endorse it, and I began to think maybe there was something to this technique. I began experimenting using the Temporal Tap with an affirmation to increase self-esteem and attract abundance. Five days later, I was handed a totally unexpected check for over $18,000! Within two weeks, our investments went up over $75,000 AND we bought a house on the beach. I was sold on the power of the Temporal Tap!

This energy technique helps break old habits, attitudes or emotional responses and establishing new ones. Simply tapping on the head around the top of the ear calms the part of the nervous system that fights to maintain your current belief systems and patterns of behavior. The brain is then more receptive to learning new beliefs and instilling new affirmations.

Begin by identifying a habit, attitude, or condition in your life that you would like to change. Then describe the change in a single sentence, and state it as an affirmation in present time as if the condition already exists. For example, you could say, "I always have more than enough money to pay my bills," or "Right now, I am prosperous." Affirmations can be anything you wish to become true and operative in your life. They can be specific or general, and in your own language, your own lingo, and aligned with your own values. For easy recall, make them short and to the point.

Temporal tap chart

To perform the Temporal Tap, start tapping at your right temple in front of the ear canal and continue tapping on the scalp around the top edge of the ear until you reach the back center of the ear, just opposite where you started. The active spots are only along the upper half of the ear, from front center to back center. Tapping with all your fingertips bunched together ensures that all the points along the Temporal-Sphenoidal (T-S) line are stimulated. Say your affirmation while you tap; repeat this procedure three times.

Do this several times a day, waiting at least 30 minutes before repeating the same affirmation. You can tap for as many different affirmations as you wish as long as you can easily address them all several times a day. Reinforcement is part of the process. Once your affirmation has become a part of your life, you can replace it with a new one.

Temporal Tapping has helped people build confidence, optimism, and self-esteem while replacing old habits with constructive behavior. It can be used for almost any area of your personal life, including mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, occupational, domestic, and social. People have used it to lose weight, to improve job performance, and even to stop fingernail biting. It is a simple yet powerful way to change many patterns or habits. Focus on what part of your life you most want to change, and create a simple affirmation that reflects your highest ideals.

© Gwenn Bonnell, Tap Into Heaven, Inc., All Rights Reserved
(954) 370-1552
Gwenn Bonnell is an International Energy Coach & Trainer who uses Energy Methods (including the Temporal Tap and EFT - Emotional Freedom Techniques) to help you empower yourself.

Discover how to develop your personal affirmations and empower them with the Temporal Tap with Gwenn's Innovative Temporal Tap Workshop Replay! Get Your Copy HERE => The Temporal Tap Workshop Replay

For more information about the Temporal Tap, read Gwenn's article, "The Secret Path to Abundance," in the Article Archives

To read this article in German (translated by A. Schieb)
CLICK HERE => Gestalte dein Leben neu mit Temporal Tap

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

 Temporal Tap Page 1 of 8 Temporal Tap (Your results will be much better if you take the time to read through all the instructions first before attempting to do the process.) The Temporal Tap Can Be Used for Most Anything Temporal Tapping has helped people alleviate depression, calm anxiety and ease panic attacks. It can also be used to develop confidence, break old habits, change emotional responses and attitudes while installing new ones. It helps with becoming more optimistic and with improving selfesteem while replacing old unwanted behaviors with new resourceful ones. It can be used for any area of your life, including emotional, spiritual, mental or physical. Temporal Tapping is an easy and powerful method to change many habits and patterns. Put your attention on the part of your life you most want to change, and create a simple affirmation that reflects your highest desires. How to Create Your Affirmations Identify an attitude, a belief, behavior, condition or habit in your Dianne Ruth, CCH, PhD ! (619) 961-7500 ! Temporal Tap Page 2 of 8 life that you would like to change. State the affirmation in a single sentence in present time–as if what you want is already a reality. Make your affirmation short and to the point for easy recall. Create the affirmations in your native language or whatever language is most comfortable for you. Describe your desired change in positive terms. “I find that staying calm and relaxed is easy,” or “I always have more than enough money for whatever I want,” or “I feel peaceful and free.” Very important, use your own words to express the outcome you seek. Restate the desired change in negative terms using words such as no longer, don’t, can’t, not, isn’t. When tapping around the left ear, use negatively-worded phrases such as, “I no longer struggle to stay calm and relaxed,” or “Having enough money is not an issue,” or “Feeling peaceful and free isn’t a problem.” People have used it to lose weight and more. For example, the negative affirmation could be: “I don’t have to eat much food to feel full,” the positive affirmation: “I feel full on smaller amounts of healthy foods”; to improve job performance, negative: “It’s no trouble to do my work while feeling calm and relaxed”; positive: “I feel calm and relaxed while easily finishing all my work,” and even to stop fingernail biting, “I don’t have a problem with letting my fingernails get healthy and strong,” positive: “My fingernails are getting stronger and longer every day.” Detailed Instructions Begin at your LEFT temple. Use the fingertips of your left hand Dianne Ruth, CCH, PhD ! (619) 961-7500 ! Temporal Tap Page 3 of 8 while keeping your fingers close together and your hand slightly cupped. This ensures that you tap on all the points along the Temporal line. Tap in a half-circle from the left temporal bone in front of your ear, up and around to the back side of your ear, and on down to being lined up with your earlobe. This is done ½ to 1 inch out and away from the edge of your ear. Do this while saying your affirmation phrase in a negative mode about what it is you want to change, such as, “I don’t have any issues with having lots of creative ideas.” Repeat this at least five times. Changing to your RIGHT temple, repeat the same process while saying a positively worded phrase such as,"I have lots of really creative ideas.” [An exception to tapping a negative affirmation around the left ear and a positive affirmation around the right ear can be with lefthanded or dyslexic people—(but not always). In this case you would tap the positive affirmation into the left temporal lobe and the negative affirmation into the right temporal lobe. If you are uncertain about being an exception, and the process is not working after giving it enough time, try tapping the opposite way and see if you have better results.] Do this exercise with your affirmation statements several times a day. The more frequently you do the Temporal Tap–at least 5 Dianne Ruth, CCH, PhD ! (619) 961-7500 ! Temporal Tap Page 4 of 8 or more times a day, the quicker and stronger the effects are. It can speed up getting the results you want. Consider associating your repeated tapping with major daily activities such as, upon arising, before or after mealtimes, during coffee breaks and again at bedtime ... or any other times you choose. To increase the effectiveness of your affirmations, write them down so you are using the same wording each time. If you think of a better way to reword your affirmation, write that one down and use it instead. Do your tapping separately for as many affirmations as you wish (one at a time is easiest)–allowing at least ½ hour between each tapping session. Do each one 5 or more times every day for at least a week. Only do more than one change at a time if you can comfortably and easily address each one. With deeply rooted habits, it may take up to about 30 days for the results to appear. Occasionally, however, the results are immediate but frequently need to be reinforced with additional tapping while finishing out the week. As a stand-alone, the Temporal Tap can also provide a soothing and calming effect. Instead of tapping, use the fingers of both hands at the same time and make stroking motions around the ears from front to back while breathing deeply. It can also interrupt the gag reflex and diminish nausea. Once your desired change has been fully integrated into your life, you can start tapping for another new change. Even if you are skeptical, evaluate the effectiveness based on the results you get. Dianne Ruth, CCH, PhD ! (619) 961-7500 ! Temporal Tap Page 5 of 8 Being willing to suspend all judgment, skepticism, logic, analysis and rationale and keeping an attitude of openness and curiosity while engaged in the actual process can produce magical and amazing results! Overview 1. Decide on something you would like to change. 2. Create both a positive and a negative affirmation. 3. While keeping your fingers together and cupping your hand slightly, tap up and around the front of your left ear with your fingertips, around the top, then behind your ear. Tap just hard enough to stimulate the energy and to get a little bounce. 4. Do this at least 5 times while repeating your negative affirmation. Repeat the same process around the right ear with your right hand while saying your positive affirmation. Say your affirmation every time while tapping around your ear. Saying your affirmation aloud helps you to focus and concentrate on keeping it firmly fixed in your energy field. 5. Do your tapping at least 5 times a day or more and at least 30 minutes apart for one week or longer. For more deeply rooted issues, it may take up to a month of tapping, several times a day before seeing a complete resolution. Sometimes, when making a simple change, the results are often experienced immediately, and they often need to be reinforced with additional tapping. Dianne Ruth, CCH, PhD ! (619) 961-7500 ! Temporal Tap Page 6 of 8 How Temporal Tapping Works This is an age-old energy technique originally used for pain control in the Orient. Legend also claims that it was historically used by the ancient Chinese to control unruly children. Now it is used for reprogramming your mind. While tapping around the ear, it makes the brain more receptive to learning while temporarily suspending other sensory input. By tapping this location while stating the belief you want, you can tap into the power of your mind. The tapping stimulates acupuncture points that release tension and help to balance the energetic system of the body. When combining this tapping with statements or affirmations, the intention is put into the energy field which is then directed toward achieving the desired outcome. Temporal Tapping affects the brain and all the systems thereby carrying the message of your intention to every part in your body. The temporal area that gets tapped is one place where the triple warmer meridian can be accessed. This is the energy system that maintains physiological habits and is involved in the fight or flight response that also triggers anxiety and panic. Meridians are the energy pathways in the body somewhat similar to a network of blood vessels that is found throughout our system. When tapped, the triple warmer meridian relaxes allowing new habits and new attitudes to be formed. This works because you Dianne Ruth, CCH, PhD ! (619) 961-7500 ! Temporal Tap Page 7 of 8 are tapping in the opposite direction of its natural flow and it makes the brain more receptive to learning. Tapping up around the front, the top and the back side of the ear is a simple, direct and powerful tool that makes the brain more receptive to learning new habits and installing new beliefs. It calms the part of the nervous system that fights to maintain your current patterns of behavior so you can attract love, more success, abundance or whatever else you desire in your life. It is believed that any negative thought, belief, behavior or feeling causes a disruption in this flow of energy. This causes an energetic blockage which can result in serious body-mind-spirit imbalance and often leads to poor health, and sometimes, even accidents and injuries. Resistence If you sense you are resistant, become aware of what is going through your mind while you are reciting your affirmations. For example, if your positive affirmation is, “I choose to make lots of money,” and your inner voice replies, “What makes you think you deserve lots of money. After all, your folks weren’t rich, and you’re no better then they are!” Then you need to change your positive affirmation to a statement that rings true for you. For instance, “I have now become incredibly wise in the ways of money and I deserve to be comfortably rich.” Experiment ... get creative with how you word your affirmations. Find affirmations that you can really believe in. You can also use Dianne Ruth, CCH, PhD ! (619) 961-7500 ! Temporal Tap Page 8 of 8 EFT, One-Step Reframe (Give it the Finger), or any other intervention you have learned, if you feel emotionally resistant or you continue to hear those negative “yes, but’s” arising while you are saying your affirmations. If you are unable to resolve your resistence or just need assistance with the process, contact Dr. Dianne Ruth, or another professional of your choice who is trained in energy psychology. - - - - - - Temporal tapping was discovered by Dr. George Goodheart, the founder of Applied Kinesiology, and promoted by Donna Eden, a major force as a presenter and instructor in energy psychology for over 30 years. Dianne Ruth, PhD ! Doctor of Clinical & Counseling Psychology ! Anxiety/Depression Care Coach ! Short-Term Alternative/Holistic Counselor Dr. Ruth works with clients by phone around the world, and inperson in her San Diego office. She specializes in short-term, drug-free recovery and has a 97% success rate. For a Free Personal and Confidential Consultation, email DrRuth@DynamicResources, call or text her at (619) 961-7500. Referrals are appreciated... Dianne Ruth, CCH, PhD ! (619) 961-7500 !

Friday, March 22, 2024


Stop Procrastinating with this EFT Focus and Finish Tapping Audio and Script

Stop Procrastinating with EFT Focus and Finish Tapping

Focus and Finish EFT Tapping Audio and Script with Gwenn Bonnell


Here’s a quick EFT Tapping Sequence to help you stop procrastinating – use this FOCUS AND FINISH EFT Tapping Audio and Script before tackling any task and you’ll find yourself easily and quickly crossing the finish line…

Hi from Gwenn,

How many times do you sit down to do something and the phone rings, an email comes in, or you get caught up in ‘shiny object’ syndrome and that chunk of time gets wasted? Here’s a tapping sequence I used years ago to help me sit down, get focused, and finish the task at hand.

I found this gem from my ‘Tapping into Attracting – How to Clear Reversals and Stop Self-Sabotage with EFT’ workshop from 2011. Tapping never goes out of style, and this quick EFT FOCUS AND FINISH Tapping Sequence may be just what you need to stop procrastinating and propel you across the finish line!

EFT Shortcut Tapping Points Chart


Click here to listen to Audio

CLICK HERE to Listen => EFT Focus and Finish Tapping with Gwenn Bonnell
(or RIGHT-CLICK to download the MP3 file)

If you’re not familiar with the EFT Tapping Points, you can download the charts at – we’re using the ‘Shortcut’ version of tapping here. Or you can go through a quick EFT tutorial at


Karate Chop (KC): Even though I really want to get this done today quickly and easily, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Even though I had problems in the past staying focused and finishing things quickly and easily once I start them, I deeply and completely love and accept myself and I allow myself to stay focused on this task.

I choose to totally immerse myself in it and stay in the present moment and allow myself to quickly and easily finish this efficiently and do a really good job at it too. 

Top of the Head (CR): I have this to do today Use EFT Focus and Finish Tapping to Cross the Finish Line

Eye Brow (EB): And instead of putting it off

Side of the Eye (SE): I choose to start it right now

Under the Eye (UE): I choose to do it efficiently

Under the Nose (UN): And to put all my effort into it

Chin (CH): And to stay really focused until it’s done

Collar Bone (CB): And to get it finished quickly and easily

Under Arm (UA): And to do a fantastic job at it and pat myself on the back when it’s done!

Take a deep breath.


If there was any self-talk, or any “yes-buts” that came up while you were doing the tapping that is stopping you from getting started, then keep tapping until you start your task at hand.

You can get specific – if you have to make phone calls and you’re hesitating, insert “make this phone call” into the language.

If you have to write a blog post or a chapter for your book, insert that language into the tapping sequence.

Use EFT Focus and Finish Tapping to Get it Done and Check it Off!Use this tapping sequence to silence the inner critic and even better, turn that voice inside your head into an inner coach.

Because your coach is the one who’s going to tell you that you’re doing a good job.

And make sure you pat yourself on the back when the job is done!


By the way, if you really want to tap into the power of EFT and laser-focus on turning your big time life goals into reality, check out my latest program – Power Vision Tapping, or How to Use EFT and Make the Law of Attraction Work for You.

It really is all about energy, and once you begin using this simple 5-Step Process to Manifest Any Goal, you’ll wonder why they don’t teach this in grade school!

Hurry on over to womenthatheal,com/powertapping and get started creating a happier, healthier and more fulfilling life today!

Love & Light, Gwenn

PS What did you use Focus and Finish Tapping to accomplish? Please share in the Comments below – you’ll never know how you inspire others!

PPS If you know anyone who could use Focus and Finish Tapping, please send them along to this web page



The Four Energy Thumps

The Four Energy Thumps

In an Energy Slump? Use this routine to RECHARGE your batteries, JUMP START your energies, ACTIVATE your immune system, BOOST your metabolism, and DETOX naturally.

Hi from Gwenn,

Here’s a reminder about an Energy Medicine 101 technique that’s a must in your self-care daily routine. Use it first thing in the morning, and anytime you feel your energy slump!

(Scroll down to read what this does and why it works…)

The Four Energy Thumps

Step 1: RECHARGE YOUR ENERGY by Tapping Under Each Eye

The Stomach Meridian

The Stomach Meridian connects you with the Earth’s Energies

Tapping under the center of each eye on the cheekbone stimulates acupoints on the Stomach Meridian. This meridian, or energy pathway, travels down body and off the 2nd toe. By tapping under the eye, you are connecting with the earth’s energies – something we do less and less of as we get more and more into the technical age.

Plug Into Earth Energy

The Ultimate In Green Energy!

This is the ultimate in green energy because it helps you plug your electrical body into the earth’s magnetic energy. It’s literally recharging your batteries 🙂

Think of when you feel the most balanced, grounded and nurtured and I bet it’s remembering an experience you had out in nature. A picnic in the park, hiking in the mountain or feeling the sand under your toes at the beach.

It’s important to spend time outdoors every day – and to use these tapping points to connect with the earth’s energies.

STEP 2: JUMPSTART YOUR SYSTEM by Tapping Under the Collarbone

Find these points at the end of the Kidney Meridian by finding where the head of the collarbone protrudes on either side of your throat. Bring your fingertips down a bit below the bone and out to either side. You’ll feel a dip between the collarbone )clavicle) and breastplate (sternum). That’s where you want to tap or massage.

Walking should be energizingThumping or deeply massaging these points under the collarbone jumpstarts your system by getting the energy moving forward through ALL the meridians. If you find it a struggle to put one foot in front of the other, you know you REALLY need this! Thumping these points on a daily basis will stop you from ever getting to that point!

The more you stimulate these points, the more healing energy your body can access. Not only do these points clear the chest cavity and open up respiration, they also counteract stress and balance the thyroid. So get thumping!

STEP #3: A QUICK ENERGY BOOST by Thumping the Center of the Chest

Thump Your Chest for a Quick Energy Boost

Thump Your Chest for a Quick Energy Boost

Think Tarzan and the Apes and do the Tarzan Thump!

The Thymus is a long, skinny gland in the center of your chest and is responsible for boosting the T-cells in your immune system. When you’re sick, the Thymus shrinks, and if it’s totally shriveled you’re probably dead. So you can’t stimulate this enough!

A great affirmation to repeat as you thump the Thymus is: “My life energy is high! I am full of love! I have love, faith, trust, gratitude and courage.”

STEP #4: BOOST YOUR METABOLISM by Massaging Between The Ribs

Boost Your Metabolism with the 4 ThumpsThese points under the breast between the 7th & 8th ribs are known as the “Spleen Neurolymphatic Points” and help metabolize food, release toxins, boost your immune system and balance blood chemistry and electrolytes.

If these points are sore, massage them for a few days to release toxic build-up so thumping isn’t so painful.

The effects of massaging the spleen Neurolymphatic Points make the Four Energy Thumps a must-do around mealtime, especially if you’re feeling sluggish or tired after you eat!


Try this routine first thing in the morning to get your day started on a positive note. This is a wonderful self-care routine anytime during the day you need an energetic pick-me-up, especially around mealtime. I’ll caution you, however, not to do the Thymus Thump before retiring for the night (speaking from experience LOL).

LEARN MORE about How To Feed Your Body More of What It’s Longing For in the Workshop Replay REBOOT YOUR ENERGIES: 10 Self-Care Energy Medicine Secrets for Overcoming Stress and Increasing Your Vitality filmed live in Davie, Ft. Lauderdale Florida on Tuesday, June 10, 2014.

CLICK HERE to get your Replay and Handouts – or go to for more information.

Love & light,

Gwenn Bonnell

Monday, March 18, 2024


Using theTemporal Tap to shift you out of Overwelm

Are you looking for ways to shift into more prosperity, less fear and worry, overcome overwhelm, and step out of self sabotage?

EFT temporal tap 1The “Temporal Tap” is an energy technique that is enormously effective in breaking old habits, attitudes, and emotional responses, and establishing new ones. I first learned it in 1997 when Energy Balancing by Donna Eden, and then was introduced to EFT by Gary Craig.


EFT and Reiki were just coming on the scene back then, and were far from mainstream, and they were bending my skeptical pharmaceutically trained mind. If I hadn’t seen results immediately with my entire family I would have dismissed it, but the transformations made me even more curious to learn more modalities on my journey. I was reintroduced to the Temporal Tap in 2014 when I learned Tong Ren Tapping on Acupuncture points, and then again in 2016 when I learned QCP & New Descision Therapy. It is a valuable and important part of reducung stress and manifesting change.

Can you believe that by simply tapping around the top of the ear you have a simple, direct, and powerful tool that makes the brain more receptive to learning new habits and instilling new attitudes! YOU DONT HAVE TO BELIEVE IT, YOU JUST HAVE TO DO IT.


eft temporal tap 2

Tapping here calms the part of the nervous system that fights to maintain your current habitual (stuck) belief systems and behavior patterns, making it easy to instill new activities and conduct that attract success and prosperity into your life.

Energetically it taps into three main meridians:

the Triple Heater Meridian for balancing cell memory, transition, clearing frigid impotent rigid ideas;the Gallbladder Meridian to clear the wei ki, discerning filters, creating fluidity and flow of energy, synthesising, decision making and motivation;the Stomach Meridian for digesting life, ruminating, intellect, full spectrum emotions and conscious thinking.


I am going to use money examples because we just finished February with “Rolling in the $doh$”, and I have never met someone who couldn’t use more money no matter what their income level.

Step 1: Begin by identifying a habit, attitude, or condition in your life that you would like to change.

Write it down stated as a Positive Affirmation in Present Time, as if the new condition already exists. (Writing it down engages your senses of touch, sight, left right brain balancing, intuition and intellect. Say it out loud to hear it and energetically taste it. Make sure it’s one idea per sentence only, short and to the point. The Unconscious Mind likes simplicity and clarity.)

For example, you could say: “I joyfully receive abundance in my life”

or even “I always have more than enough money to pay my bills”

Affirmations can be anything you wish to become true and operative in your life.

They can be specific, such as: “I easily and successfully attract 5 new customers every day,”

or general, such as “There are plenty of customers for my services.”

And they can be used to increase success, no matter what your career choice:

“I am making good money being a writer/ artist/ mechanic/ hairdresser/ etc.”

It is important that the statements are in your native language or the one you are most comfortable with, in your own lingo, and aligned with your own values.

For easy recall, make them short and to the point.


Step 2: Start tapping at the right temple in front of the ear canal and continue tapping on the scalp along the top edge of the ear until you reach the back center of the ear, just opposite where you started.

 Tapping with all your fingertips together ensures that you contact all the points along the Temporal-Sphenoidal (T-S) line. Tap gently, just firmly enough to stimulate the energy. Repeat 3 times, each time repeating your affirmation.

The effects of the Temporal Tap last about thirty minutes, so relax and go about your day  before repeating the tap with the same affirmation. Doing the procedure several times a day can speed up the installation of new behavior and attitudes since reinforcement is an important part of the process.  The more you tap in the affirmation, the quicker and stronger the effect and the easier your habits will change, so do it with other habits i.e. when showering, on the john, walking the dog, waiting for your coffee, on a coffee break … have fun with it.

If while you are tapping you think of a more appropriate statement, write down the new refined version and use that instead. Allow this process to unfold and evolve.

Pick one affirmation per day, per week if you like. Once your statement has become a part of your life, you can replace it with something new to bring into your life.

(I prefer not to use several statements a day, but feel free to Temporal Tap separately for as many affirmations as you wish, as long as you can easily address each one at least several times a day on a daily basis, 30 minutes apart).

trash your negative self talkStep 3: Pay attention to what is going through your mind while you are saying the affirmations!

For example, if you are stating, “I deserve prosperity and abundance in my life” and your self-talk replies, “This is useless, I’m not educated enough to be rich,” then your statement isn’t ringing true for you and needs to be adjusted & modified.

Perhaps saying, “I now have the ability to recognize and take advantage of opportunities that create prosperity” would be more effective.

If you are stating, “Money flows easily into my life” and you hear the words, “My parents lived from paycheck to paycheck and so will I,” then try something similar to, “I am more abundant than my parents because they want me to thrive and  be successful by todays atandards.” Be creative with your affirmations; find one that really resonates for you and that you can really believe in.


Affirmations could be stated as:

  • “I constantly do everything necessary to establish a positive flow of money in my life”
  •  “The universe always supports me”
  • “Everything I touch is a success.”
  • “My income increases whether I am working, sleeping or playing,”
  • “I’m helping lots and lots of people”
  • “I’m making oodles and oodles of money.” Whatever feels light, fun, and possible
  • “I’m making a minimum of $1500.00 a week” or $500 or more, whatever feels right for you. The possibilities for constructive affirmations are endless.

EFT TEMPORAL TAP AFFIRMATIONSTemporal Tapping has helped people build confidence, optimism, and self–esteem while replacing old habits with constructive behavior. It can be used for almost any area of your personal life, including mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, occupational, domestic, and social.

People have used it to lose weight “I enjoy eating healthy foods in the proper portions”, to improve job performance “Right now, I complete my tasks easily, correctly, and joyously”, and even to stop fingernail biting “My fingernails are growing long and strong.”

The Temporal Tap is a simple, yet powerful way to change many thought patterns and habits. Focus on what part of your life you most want to change, and create a simple affirmation that reflects your highest ideals.

Personally: In my 20’s I was still painfully shy, so I took a sales job to bust out of my self imposed prison and liberate myself. What affirmation did I use to instill a newly found confidence into my life? “Right now, it is safe to deeply and completely accept myself in the presence of other people.”

You are welcome to experiment with any positive statements that resonate with you. If you ever feel the Temporal Tap is not working, modify the wording of your affirmation.

Remember, it is important that the statement is comfortable for you and clearly reflects your goals. Use the language you are most familiar with, and words that are aligned with your values and feelings. Go for it: this is your chance to attract abundance, health and positive relationships into your life, right now!

Enjoy using the Temporal tap to reduce your stress. Its a great tool for your personal Fast Aid kit.

If you desire more info on this book in for your private session or join us for the group healings at  Transformational Tuesday on March 12th  we will be delving deeper with EFT Emotional Freedom Technique specifically to “Overcome Overwhelm”, and on April 9th to “Reboot Confidence”.

Play with the Temporal Tap to “Prevent Procrastination”, and “Stop Self Sabotage”. If you need extra help don’t give up, book in for a personal appointment, there is probably something deeper preventing the shift. Look up this newsletter on “Shifting stubborn emotions at the root” to help you shift that.

Then again, its so much easier to shift with the energy holding space in a personal session or at a group session. You never know what new tool we will introduce at TT. I have over 40 modalities at our finger tips, and we have introduced Psych-K, Denial Procedure, a variety of Body Talk aspects, Soul Genesis, Firing & Hiring Angels and Guides, Clearing Karmic Entanglements and more over the years, so we will see what the attendees at each group sessions bring about.

Reserve your seat at TT here and fill your Energetic cup with wellbeing and your Family’s Fast Aid Kit with new tools.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Temporal tapping


With The Temporal Tap

By Gwenn Bonnell
Published Quality Life Magazine, Jan. 2002

I was skeptical when I first heard about tapping in positive statements to increase the flow of money into my life - affirmations were not my cup of tea. But I'll try almost anything once. So when a good friend of mine shared a powerful affirmation proven to increase self–esteem and attract abundance, I changed the wording around a bit to make it mine, and then experimented with my statement using the Temporal Tap technique.

Five days later, I was unexpectedly handed a check for over $18,000.00 and told to do with the money as I wished! And I mean this was TOTALLY unexpected, out of the blue. The day after that, our house was appraised at $75,000.00 more than we bought it for a few years prior. Within three weeks, my husband and I became proud owners of a condo on the beach - without having to pay cash up front. Now, although I have an abundant life, this was a pretty unusual four—week period, even for me! I was totally sold on the power of the Temporal Tap.

The "Temporal Tap" is a recently rediscovered ancient energy technique that is enormously effective in breaking old habits, attitudes and emotional responses and establishing new ones. Simply tapping around the top of the ear is a simple, direct and powerful tool that makes the brain more receptive to learning new habits and instilling new attitudes. It calms the part of the nervous system that fights to maintain your current belief systems and patterns of behavior, making it easy to instill new beliefs and attract success and prosperity into your life.


Begin by identifying a habit, attitude, or condition in your life that you would like to change. Then describe the change in a single sentence, and state it as an affirmation in present time as if the condition already exists. For example, you could say, "I joyfully receive abundance in my life," or "Right now, I am prosperous," or even "I always have more than enough money to pay my bills." Affirmations can be anything you wish to become true and operative in your life. They can be specific, such as, "I easily and successfully attract 5 new customers every day," or general, such as "There are plenty of customers for my services." And they can be used to increase success, no matter what your career choice: "I am making good money being a writer, artist, mechanic, hairdresser, etc."

It is important that the statements are in your native language or the one you are most comfortable with, in your own lingo, and aligned with your own values. For easy recall, make them short and to the point.

To perform the Temporal Tap, start tapping at the right temple in front of the ear canal and continue tapping on the scalp along the top edge of the ear until you reach the back center of the ear, just opposite where you started. The active spots are only along the upper half of the ear, from front center to back center. Tapping with all your fingertips bunched together ensures that you contact all the points along the Temporal—Sphenoidal (T—S) line. You do not have to tap too hard, just firmly enough to stimulate the energy. Perform three tapping repetitions, each time repeating your affirmation.

Since the effects of the Temporal Tap last about thirty minutes, wait at least that long or more before repeating the tap with the same affirmation. Doing the procedure several times a day can speed up the installation of new behavior and attitudes since reinforcement is an important part of the process. I tapped in my statement seven times a day at least. The more you tap in the affirmation, the quicker and stronger the effect and the easier your habits will change.

For increased effectiveness, write down your affirmation to make sure you are using the exact wording each time. However, if you think of a more appropriate statement, write down the new version and use that instead.

Temporal Tap separately for as many affirmations as you wish as long as you can easily address them all at least several times a day on a daily basis. Once your statement has become a part of your life, you can replace it with a new one.

Pay attention to what is going through your mind while you are saying the affirmations. For example, if you are stating, "I deserve prosperity and abundance in my life," and your self talk replies, "This is useless, I'm not educated enough to be rich," your statement isn't ringing true for you and needs to be changed. Perhaps saying, "I now have the ability to recognize and take advantage of opportunities that create prosperity," would be more effective. If you are stating, "Money flows easily into my life," and you hear the words, "My parents lived from paycheck to paycheck and so will I," then try something similar to, "I am more abundant than my parents because they want it that way." Be creative with your affirmations; find one that really resonates for you and that you can believe in.


Affirmations could be stated as, "I constantly do everything necessary to establish a positive flow of money in my life," "The universe always supports me," or "Everything I touch is a success." One student of mine used "My income increases whether I am working, sleeping or playing," and got hired at the next job she applied for. Another student's affirmations included "I'm helping lots and lots of people," and "I'm making oodles and oodles of money." Soon after, she took advantage of an opportunity to increase her client base and her income. She is now tapping in "I'm making a minimum of $500.00 a week." The possibilities for constructive affirmations are endless.

Temporal Tapping has helped people build confidence, optimism, and self–esteem while replacing old habits with constructive behavior. It can be used for almost any area of your personal life, including mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, occupational, domestic, and social. People have used it to lose weight (I enjoy eating healthy foods in the proper portions), to improve job performance (Right now, I complete my tasks easily and correctly), and even to stop fingernail biting (My fingernails are growing long and strong.) It is a simple yet powerful way to change many patterns or habits. Focus on what part of your life you most want to change, and create a simple affirmation that reflects your highest ideals.

What affirmation did I instill to bring newly found abundance into my life? "Right now, I deeply and completely accept myself in the presence of other people." You are welcome to experiment with this statement if it resonates with you. If you ever feel the Temporal Tap is not working, try changing the wording of the affirmation. Remember, it is important that the statement is comfortable for you and clearly reflects your goals. Use the language you are most familiar with, and words that are aligned with your values and feelings. Go for it: this is your chance to attract abundance into your life, right now!

Here's your chance to create powerful personal affirmations and instill them with the Temporal Tap: Get your video replay of my popular Temporal Tap Workshop (recorded live)

Gwenn Bonnell is an International Energy Coach & Trainer who uses Energy Methods (including the Temporal Tap and EFT - Emotional Freedom Techniques) to help you empower yourself.