Saturday, November 30, 2013
gol setting
You may not know this, but knowledge is transformational. in other words, everything you hear is recorded in your subconscious mind, and affects how your life "plays out".
Friday, November 29, 2013
your future = your daily routines
your future is hidden in your daily routine......
Do you have the habits of a successful person? your habits alone determine who you become. your habits alone determine if you succeed.
James Allen Said "we are anxious to change our circumstances, but we are unwilling to change ourselves.
Put another way, we are anxious to succeed, but we are unwilling to create the habits that cause success.
your habits will take you further than your dreams. you don't need a miracle and you don't need to be lucky. you need the right set of habits.
If you can get the habits right, the results will come automatically.
In order to make progress, you need to tap into the power of your subconscious mind, the source of your habits.
The Subconscious is the workhorse of the mind because it controls your habits.
Did you know that the beliefs you hold consciously or in your subconscious mind are compulsive? what this means is that whatever you believe in your subconscious mind, must come true, no matter what
We will always fulfill our beliefs and expectations no matter what?
you may not know this, but knowledge is transformational. In other words everything you hear is recorded in your subconscious mind, and affects how your life "plays out".
Do you have the habits of a successful person? your habits alone determine who you become. your habits alone determine if you succeed.
James Allen Said "we are anxious to change our circumstances, but we are unwilling to change ourselves.
Put another way, we are anxious to succeed, but we are unwilling to create the habits that cause success.
your habits will take you further than your dreams. you don't need a miracle and you don't need to be lucky. you need the right set of habits.
If you can get the habits right, the results will come automatically.
In order to make progress, you need to tap into the power of your subconscious mind, the source of your habits.
The Subconscious is the workhorse of the mind because it controls your habits.
Did you know that the beliefs you hold consciously or in your subconscious mind are compulsive? what this means is that whatever you believe in your subconscious mind, must come true, no matter what
We will always fulfill our beliefs and expectations no matter what?
you may not know this, but knowledge is transformational. In other words everything you hear is recorded in your subconscious mind, and affects how your life "plays out".
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
tiny habits to success
The first law that I discovered was the Law of Control. This law says that, “You feel happy to the degree to which you feel you are in control of your own life. You feel unhappy to the degree to which you feel you are not in control of your own life.”
Modern psychology calls this “Locus of Control Theory.” Psychologists
differentiate between an internal locus of control and an external locus of control. Your locus of control is where you feel the control exists in each area of your life. This location determines your happiness or unhappiness more than any other
For example, if you feel that you are the primary creative force in your own life, that you make your own decisions, and that everything that happens to you is a result of yourself and your own behaviors, you have a solid internal locus of control. As a result, you will feel strong, confident and happy. You will think with greater clarity and perform at higher levels than the average person.
The next law I discovered was the Law of Belief. This is the basic principle that underlies most religion, psychology, philosophy and metaphysics. The Law of Belief says that, “Whatever you believe, with conviction, becomes your reality.”
In the New Testament it says, “According to your faith, it is done unto you.” In the Old Testament, it says, “As a man thinketh, in his heart (his beliefs), so is he.” William James of Harvard wrote, “Belief creates the actual fact.”
The fact is that, “You do not believe what you see, but rather, you see what you already believe.” Your deeply held beliefs form a screen of prejudices that distort your external reality and cause you to see things not the way they are, but the way you are
The next law that I discovered is the Law of Expectations. This law says that,
“Whatever you expect, with confidence, becomes your own self-fulfilling
prophecy.” In other words, you do not necessarily get what you want, but rather
what you expect.
If you confidently expect something to happen, this expectation has a powerful
effect on your attitude and your personality. The more confident your expectations,
the more likely it is that you will do and say the things that are consistent with what you expect to happen. As a result, you will dramatically increase the
probabilities that you will achieve exactly what you are hoping for.
One of the wonderful things about expectations is that you can manufacture your
own. You can get up each morning and say; “I believe something wonderful is
going to happen to me today.” As you go through the day, you create a force field
of expectations that surrounds you and effects the people with whom you come in
contact. And in some remarkable way, a series of wonderful things, both large and
small, will happen to you throughout the day.
The next law I learned about was the Law of Attraction. This law says that, “You
are a living magnet; you invariably attract into your life the people, ideas and
circumstances that harmonize with your dominant thoughts.”
This law of attraction has been written and spoken about for five thousand years. It
is one of the most important of all principles in explaining success and failure. The
law of attraction says that your thoughts are activated by your emotions, either
positive or negative, and that they then create a force field of energy around you
that attracts into your life, like iron filings to a magnet, exactly the people and
circumstances that are in harmony with those thoughts
The summary law of the laws we have just discussed is the Law of
Correspondence. This law says that, “Your outer world is a reflection of your inner
It is as though you live in a 360-degree mirror. Everywhere you look, you see
yourself reflected back at you. People treat you the way you treat them. The way
you think about your physical body will be reflected in your health habits and your
appearance. The way you think about people and your relationships will be
reflected back to you in the quality of your friendships and your family life. The
way you think about success and prosperity will be reflected in the results that you
enjoy in your career and your material life. In every case, your outer world reflects
back to you, like a mirror image, exactly what you are thinking in the deepest
recesses of your mind.
When you put the Laws of Cause and Effect, Belief, Expectations, Attraction and
Correspondence together, you arrive at the great universal principle that explains
your life and everything that happens to you: “You become what you think about---Most of the time
is one of the most important of all principles in explaining success and failure. The
law of attraction says that your thoughts are activated by your emotions, either
positive or negative, and that they then create a force field of energy around you
that attracts into your life, like iron filings to a magnet, exactly the people and
circumstances that are in harmony with those thoughts
The summary law of the laws we have just discussed is the Law of
Correspondence. This law says that, “Your outer world is a reflection of your inner
It is as though you live in a 360-degree mirror. Everywhere you look, you see
yourself reflected back at you. People treat you the way you treat them. The way
you think about your physical body will be reflected in your health habits and your
appearance. The way you think about people and your relationships will be
reflected back to you in the quality of your friendships and your family life. The
way you think about success and prosperity will be reflected in the results that you
enjoy in your career and your material life. In every case, your outer world reflects
back to you, like a mirror image, exactly what you are thinking in the deepest
recesses of your mind.
When you put the Laws of Cause and Effect, Belief, Expectations, Attraction and
Correspondence together, you arrive at the great universal principle that explains
your life and everything that happens to you: “You become what you think about---Most of the time
So… how to get out of this endless cycle of old programs and start to be more in the conscious mind? Because of the power of the unconscious mind (one million times more powerful than the conscious mind), and the amount of time it is running us (95 – 99%), Lipton says it takes a lot more than positive thinking to get out of it. Because as soon as you forget to be conscious, the unconscious is back in charge again. Sound familiar? He suggests meditation, hypnotherapy or other reprogramming approaches.
the things that surround us all the time have a way of working deep inside our subconscious and becoming a part of us
3 Steps to New Habits from Persuasive Technology Lab at Stanford
My Current Tiny Habits as of November 26 2013
I have created multiple tiny habits to learn new skills. First i had to find out what my current habits were.
One of my Habits is reading about Black on white crime. I always go on newnation and able2know every single day. as a Black male myself Why is reading about black on white murders, rapes, beatings, stabbing a habit for me. i don't know. Maybe it's because i spent ten years watching interracial pornography and reading about black on white crime is another way of seeing the black man give it to the white man.
Like Bob Proctor says, the Habit is an idea in the Subconscious mind.
People try psychoanalysis to see how it got there. i don't know why reading about black violence against whites i a habit for me but it is.
reading the news..Home invasions, Rapes, murders, and any other kind of news like politics etc but i tend to gravitate towards violent black crime against whites. THAT'S JUST MY HABIT
I don't know why. just like if you ask someone who smokes why they smoke, they wouldn't know; they just do it
From that Anchor i've created a lot of Tiny Habits.
1. After i read about a violent crime
i will watch a youtube video, (but for no more than one minute)
so basically a mind movie, or Bob Proctor video, or or wealth affirmation video.
that Habit of Youtube itself becomes the anchor for another habit.
so after i read a news story i go on youtube, watch a wealth affirmation video; something uplifting. but i also get bore sometimes and watch crime videos on youtube
2. after i watch a youtube video, i will learn about writing (novel writing, TV sitcom, TV Drama, Screen writing)
i'm working off of several books. but i keep the behavior of learning simple. so after i watch a youtube video i may read a sentence from this book
or this book
or this book
so again i'm only reading one sentence, a tiny behavior; and i do it after i watch any youtube video
3. after i read a sentence from a writing book.
then i read a sentence from a lyric writing book
i've pick up a lot lyric writing books over the time and the way to go through them is one sentence at a time. with lots of repetition. so reading the same material has to be habitual
4. after i read a sentence on lyric writing
then i listen to jason blume Melody writng CD starting on audio 6
so now listening to jason blume has become a habit. and i use that habit as an anchor for another habit
5. after i listen to jason blume
i will program my subconscious with a simple trading strategy
so after i listen to jason blume i repeat two affirmations
1. never enter a trade without also entering a stop loss order
2. i trade one contract for every 20,000 dollars in my commodity trading account
you have to repeat those mantras repeatedly EVEN IF YOU'RE ONLY TRADING FAKE MONEY. the subconscious cannot take a joke. so if you're trading fake money, the way you trade fake money is how you will trade live money account.
after reading those two mantras each ten times i look over the Fibdoctor fibonacci trading rules. again i'm programming my subconscious to execute this trading program for me. most traders' do not program their subconscious mind to trade for them and spent their whole trading careers looking for a computer trading system. they're constantly looking for the holy grail. not realizing that the holygrail of trading is to program the subconscious mind to repetiton/habit.
This habit of programming the subconscious mind to trade with the affirmations and the simple fibonnaci trading rules becomes an anchor for me to listen to brainwave entraiment with Neuro Programmer but for no more than one minute
My Current Tiny Habits as of November 26 2013
I have created multiple tiny habits to learn new skills. First i had to find out what my current habits were.
One of my Habits is reading about Black on white crime. I always go on newnation and able2know every single day. as a Black male myself Why is reading about black on white murders, rapes, beatings, stabbing a habit for me. i don't know. Maybe it's because i spent ten years watching interracial pornography and reading about black on white crime is another way of seeing the black man give it to the white man.
Like Bob Proctor says, the Habit is an idea in the Subconscious mind.
People try psychoanalysis to see how it got there. i don't know why reading about black violence against whites i a habit for me but it is.
reading the news..Home invasions, Rapes, murders, and any other kind of news like politics etc but i tend to gravitate towards violent black crime against whites. THAT'S JUST MY HABIT
I don't know why. just like if you ask someone who smokes why they smoke, they wouldn't know; they just do it
From that Anchor i've created a lot of Tiny Habits.
1. After i read about a violent crime
i will watch a youtube video, (but for no more than one minute)
so basically a mind movie, or Bob Proctor video, or or wealth affirmation video.
that Habit of Youtube itself becomes the anchor for another habit.
so after i read a news story i go on youtube, watch a wealth affirmation video; something uplifting. but i also get bore sometimes and watch crime videos on youtube
2. after i watch a youtube video, i will learn about writing (novel writing, TV sitcom, TV Drama, Screen writing)
i'm working off of several books. but i keep the behavior of learning simple. so after i watch a youtube video i may read a sentence from this book
or this book
or this book
so again i'm only reading one sentence, a tiny behavior; and i do it after i watch any youtube video
3. after i read a sentence from a writing book.
then i read a sentence from a lyric writing book
i've pick up a lot lyric writing books over the time and the way to go through them is one sentence at a time. with lots of repetition. so reading the same material has to be habitual
4. after i read a sentence on lyric writing
then i listen to jason blume Melody writng CD starting on audio 6
so now listening to jason blume has become a habit. and i use that habit as an anchor for another habit
5. after i listen to jason blume
i will program my subconscious with a simple trading strategy
so after i listen to jason blume i repeat two affirmations
1. never enter a trade without also entering a stop loss order
2. i trade one contract for every 20,000 dollars in my commodity trading account
you have to repeat those mantras repeatedly EVEN IF YOU'RE ONLY TRADING FAKE MONEY. the subconscious cannot take a joke. so if you're trading fake money, the way you trade fake money is how you will trade live money account.
after reading those two mantras each ten times i look over the Fibdoctor fibonacci trading rules. again i'm programming my subconscious to execute this trading program for me. most traders' do not program their subconscious mind to trade for them and spent their whole trading careers looking for a computer trading system. they're constantly looking for the holy grail. not realizing that the holygrail of trading is to program the subconscious mind to repetiton/habit.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Tiny habits to greath health
Creating Tiny Habits for physical health
What small efforts action can i take to improve my health to improve my health
What small efforts action can i take to improve my health to improve my health
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