Saturday, January 18, 2014

hHow to make doing core work an automatic habit

For weeks (okay, months—probably years), I have been telling myself I need to do more exercises to strengthen my core. Not only do exercises like planks make me look better, they also do important things for my posture and my comfort. When my core is weak I feel it in my sore lower back.
I know exactly what exercise routine would whip things back into shape. When I’m driving, or even when I’m out for a run, I’ve frequently told myself exactly how I’m going to start doing all those exercises again consistently – but it hasn’t happened.
So, after reading Maria’s book, I noticed my husband and me both complaining about our (sore) lower backs. And in less than five minutes, we decided to apply the science I had just been reading.
  • We defined a new habit – regular consistent core work with an important goal (no more back aches and more ease).
  • We chose what Maria calls a “ridiculously small step.” This is something that was so easy to do, it was practically a no-brainer. We decided that committing to one minute (yes, 60 seconds) of core work, every single day, was something we could absolutely do with confidence. Given my current fitness, I committed to doing a 60 second plank every single day.
High achiever warning: This ridiculously small step thing is harder than it sounds. If you try this at home, you may very likely find yourself tempted to “add on” to make your effort “worthwhile.” Before the sentence was even out of my mouth, my husband and I both started thinking of how we could do more (“We could do side planks too!” “I could add in some stretches!” “I know some pilates moves that would be good!”) Don’t let this happen to you. Maria makes an excellent point. Don’t overwhelm yourself. If you want to trick your brain into creating a habit, aim for ease over effort.
  • We made it a ritual by deciding when and where it would happen (every morning, first thing, right outside the bedroom, before going downstairs).
  • We connected the new habit to ones that were solid and almost automatic for us. (We’ll do our 60 second plank in the morning, immediately after we brush our teeth, and before we have our first mug of coffee).
Note: This step has been incredibly important. Brushing my teeth has now started to trigger me to think of my “next” habit. Also, both of us have separately had the experience of starting to drink our morning coffee and realizing, “Shoot! Need to do a plank!” It sounds crazy, but it has really happened. And here’s the lovely thing. Because our new habit is so simple, it isn’t a big deal to drop down on the kitchen floor and throw in that plank. A minute isn’t even long enough for the coffee to get cold.
The verdict? We both agree that we are surprisingly unstuck. Since December 13 – through vacation and holidays, sleeping in, visitors, and routine changes, we’ve only missed two days.  Our backs are stronger, stomachs a bit flatter, and the pain is gone. The planks have gotten easier and doing them is pretty automatic now. Even more interesting, I’ve found myself throwing in little one minute stretches and core exercises at other times of day. We’ll see where this leads…..
Go here to learn more about Surprisingly…Unstuck: The Power of Small Healthy Habits, In a World Addicted to Instant Results.
Take good care,

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