Miraculous Power Of Repetition
You have all the tools you need to have a positive mind.
People complain that it's difficult to live as a positive person in a negative world. They talk as if the odds are stacked against them. They should accept their miserable existence and learn to live with a negative mind.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
You can use the power of repetition to install a positive operating system in your mind. If you consistently and persistently repeat positive thoughts, it is inevitable that your mind will fill up with positive things, and before long, your mind will start repeating those same positive thoughts back to you.
Listen to your inner dialogue. Is it positive or negative? If your mind still repeats negative thoughts, then the job's not done.
When the inner voice changes from negative to positive, it's time to celebrate, because now you have a positive operating system running in your mind.
But don't stop using positive repetition when your inner dialogue turns positive. You're just getting started. There's no limit to how good your life can become if you continue putting positive things into your mind.
You have an awesome mind, and you need to fill it with good things. Repeat the following affirmations until your mind repeats them back to you:
Affirmation I
I need to change my mind about many things. When I look at my failures, I need to change my mind. When I look at my limitations, I need to change my mind. When I look at the past, I need to change my mind. When I look at the present I need to change my mind. When I look at the future, I need to change my mind. I can change anything I want in my life by simply changing my mind.
Affirmation II
Change happens when I think differently than I have always thought and act differently that I have always acted. I think and act my new life into existence.
Repeat these words until your mind repeats them back to you and discover the miraculous power of positive repetition.
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