Monday, November 23, 2015

Repetition opens the front and back doors of my mind.  When I use repetition, I walk through the front door and deposit positive thoughts on the counter of my mind.  When other people use repetition, they sneak in the back door and deposit their unwanted messages.

The advertising industry uses the power of repetition to hijack my mind.  When I was a child, advertising taught me “Winston tastes good like a cigarette should.”  I hate cigarettes, and they don’t taste good.  Nevertheless, repetition planted this thought when I was seven years old, and it will remain until the day I die.  Advertisers spend billions of dollars planting their slogans in my mind.  When they repeat them, they aren’t talking to me.   They are talking to my mind.  Once their slogan is in my mind, I will have to listen to it for the rest of my life.  Advertisers don’t care if I listen, because they know that my mind will do their job once they have hijacked my thoughts and flown them to their destination.

I use the power of repetition to put good things into my mind.  I look at pictures of my dreams dozens of times each day.  I repeat my positive self talk until my mind repeats it back to me.  I hijack my own mind and fly it to my own positive destination.

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