Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Combining Strategies for Maximum Success

Identity-based habits offer a framework through which to view your goals. The
3 R's of habit change provide a plan for achieving your new identity. Combining
both of these ideas can make change easier for you overall.

In other words, identity-based habits keep you focused on the right things: like
starting small, building your identity, and not worrying about results.
Meanwhile, the 3 R's of habit change make sure that you do things in the right
way: like linking your new habit to a current behavior and rewarding yourself
for a job well done.

If you’re serious about doing things better than you are now – in other words, if
you're serious about sticking to good habits – then you have to start small.

Imagine the typical habits, good or bad: Brushing your teeth. Putting your
seatbelt on. Biting your nails.
These actions are small enough that you don’t even think about them. You
simply do them automatically. They are tiny actions that become consistent

Wouldn’t it make sense that if we wanted to form new habits, the best way to
start would be to make tiny changes that our brain could quickly learn and
automatically repeat?

What if you started thinking of your life goals, not as big, audacious things that
you can only achieve when the time is right or when you have better resources
or when you finally catch your big break … but instead as tiny, daily behaviors
that are repeated until success becomes inevitable

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