Saturday, December 14, 2013

Program the subconscious

the job of the subconscious is to create reality out of its program, to prove the program is true. so if you have negative program in your unconscious Dr lipton says that 95% you will recreate those negative experience in your life. this is how 99% of all people live their lives

expectations can quickly turn into realizations.
what you expect provides the blueprint that your subconscious mind will use to help build a realization. your subconscious mind wants to do whatever it can to make your expectations come true---even if they are not very positive expectations

your current conditions are not any more real than the projected movie you watch on the screen in a movie theatre. have no concern, therefore, for what you are observing in your outer world. accept it as it is, and do not let the unreal define the real. focus instead only on what you desire to observe by imagining conditions as you desire them to be, and be patient. in so doing, what you observe in the physical plane will in time follow suit.

SELF-DISCIPLINE: Self-discipline is arguably the most important yet most overlooked ingredient of mind power. Many people struggle with the idea of self-discipline because they wrongly believe it to be a restriction on their sense of freedom. The truth is, however, that it is only through self-discipline that you can find your freedom.
Self-discipline gives you the freedom of choice to do what you know must be done in order to achieve your intended outcome, and to do it well and gladly. In the absence of self-discipline you are little more than the obedient servant of your mind’s ever-changing whims, emotions, passions, desires, thoughts, fears, and beliefs. There is no freedom in having no choice over feeling how you feel, in not doing something simply because you do not feel like it, or in having to have what you want without also being willing not to have it.
It is you who must decide, it is you who must choose, and it is you who must direct your thoughts, emotions, moods, beliefs, desires, actions, and reactions. If you are not the one deciding, then you cannot be said to belong to yourself. Instead, you belong to whatever or whoever is deciding for you, be it your undirected mental contents or other people in your life

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