Wednesday, December 25, 2013

repetition is the key to abundance

Attracting abundance is a matter of repetition. While watching this interview with Bob Proctor, I was reminded once again about one of the simplest rules when it comes toattracting abundance.

Repetition is the Key to attracting abundance

It’s so simple, yet it is also very easily forgotten.
In his classic book The Science of Getting Rich, Wallace Wattles teaches the practice of creative visualization.
In a nutshell, Wattles says that in order to attract abundance and wealth into your life, you must discipline your mind. You must learn how to place all of your attention on where you are going and the abundance you have already coming to you, rather than placing your focus and attention on where you are. Wattles teaches the use of visualization so that you literally see yourself experiencing that which you desire — and taking the time to engage all of your senses in the process.

To paraphrase Wallace Wattles, disciplined thought is the most difficult labor a man will ever undertake — and it is only through ongoing repetition and practice that abundant thought patterns can ever be established.

Repetition of the right thoughts leads to Abundant Thinking

One of the points that Bob Proctor makes so emphatically in the video is that repetition is essential.
Attracting abundance is about raising your vibration of thought … so that it is in tune with what it is your actually desire. This is impossible to accomplish if you are dwelling on the way things are, yet it requires tremendous discipline of thought to keep your focus on anything other than the way things are.
The tools available for you to use to develop abundant thinking — positive affirmations, vision boards, mind movies, motivational books, and the like — only ever work if you keep on applying them. They only work with repetition.
That’s why attracting abundance is a matter of repetition. In fact, isn’t that true for anything you want to learn in life? Whether it be a subject in school, a sport, dancing, singing, or anything else … the only way to become accomplished at it is through practice and repetition.
Yet, when it comes to attracting abundance, wealth and prosperity into their lives, most people seem to tend to forget the repetition part. Very curious, wouldn’t you say?
All you have to do to begin attracting the life you want, is to remember to practice placing your thought on it.

There are two ways to change or transform. One is through an emotional impact that jolts us into change and the other is through constant spaced repetition. Think of how you learned the language(s) that you speak. You learned through constant repetition and repetition is the key to success.
When it comes to really changing our results and changing the old paradigms that are holding us back, repetition is what Bob Proctor says is the first law of learning.
The other aspect is that even though we listen to the same program or read the same book again, we ourselves are different the next time we look or listen. We are constantly changing and our awareness is different. As our level of awareness increases, we will read something that we never quite understood before but now it has meaning for us.
If we apply this in our lives right now, we would create the image of the way we want our life to be and then visualize ourselves living that life. Through recording and listening to it repeatedly and writing it for 90 days, the visualization would come alive. Adding music, affirmations and images would boost our emotional involvement. Then you could see how repetition will begin to change your paradigms by changing your behavior and your results.
Dare to Dream!
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