Friday, December 4, 2015

Affirmative Repetition

Persistent exposure to the same words, the same phrases, and the same ideas automatically rewires your brain and implants a new language into your mind, without you trying.
It's like getting a song stuck in your head, except it doesn't fade.
The formula is simple: the more repetition, the deeper the reprogramming.
Affirmative Repetition is a critical tool that your wealth reprogramming stick in your mind... and stay. Just like the catchy song you can't get out of your head.
As you move about your day, you will hear the same wealth principles on repeat, over and over again...
And your mind, especially your subconscious barriers, will be unable to stop them.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

the sun is doing it's repetition of coming up and down
i woke up and ate some bread. i did my repetition of eating. what did i eat 10 years ago today? i don't remember what i ate but i'm 100 percent sure that i ate something
yahoo, facebook, twitter and tv stations are doing their repetition of feeding mindless stories to the sheeples
repetition is how you build muscle
repetition is how you learn
so you have to repeat " i command 100,000,000 dollars to come to me. i command 100,000,000 dollar lotto jackpots to come to me"
you don't repeat that just once but hundreds if not thousands of times a day
turn off the mindless tv and the repetition of stories on facebook or

do repetition of lottery visualizations
repetition of reading the same book on comedy writing

Monday, November 23, 2015

What if You’re Reading That Liberating Book Only Once

“Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.”
~~ Earl Nightingale
Remember, it’s highly probable you have entrenched HABITS (programming) to follow orders, put everyone else first and put your dream last !
And therefore, your subconscious programming will be keeping your life PREDICTABLE and safe.
It’s up to you to break out and exercise your free will.
But first, so we’re clear — what’s the definition of a HABIT?

A habit is something you do BEFORE YOU EVEN THINK about it. Scary or superb?

Which means, unless your current habits and beliefs endorse getting what you want … FORGET IT.


1. Read personal development books & listen to CDs several times (repetition)

If you’re wanting to STOP messing around with mediocrity and DO what you love — you’ll need to read the information over and over (and over) if you want to start living it.

The idea you’re drawn to is seeking expression — in you.

What you read is not a coincidence, but reading it once is notenough.

“Constant repetition carries conviction.”
~~ Robert Collier (1885-1950)

2. Take notes as you read (more repetition)

When you note new ideas you get more repetition. You’ll embrace the ideas and start living them.
Do this simple technique I’ve done for years:
  • Fold a clean sheet of paper in half and place it in the book
  • Have a pen or pencil handy
  • Write out those tempting ideas and note the page number
  • Store it in the book
You’ll form a quick reference to all that inspiration and I often refer to my genius notes. Take more notes when you re-read the book.

3. Create affirmations from these new ideas, and say them slowly every morning and before sleep.

Do this for 30 days straight — at least.
Allow the words of the affirmation to fill you with excitement — if they don’t, create new ones. They must inspire you.

How does repetition work?

Repetition replaces those old limiting habits and beliefs in your subconscious mind e.g. the ones that say, “you can’t.”
Tried “positive thinking” and find it doesn’t work? It’s because the beliefs and habits in your subconscious mind are too strong — they dominate.
Deep down most people have programming that blocks them from breaking free — often because of what others may say or that they may fail.
Do you hold back, conform and stay safe?

The secret is the more often you see a tempting, liberating idea, the more likely you’ll get the courage to apply it.

“Repetition of the same thought or physical action develops into a habit which, repeated frequently enough, becomes an automatic reflex.”
~~ Norman Vincent Peale (1898 – 1993)
Repetition drives you to action.
With repetition you more fully grasp concepts such as the power of YOUR thoughtand you CAN have what you want, which sparks your imagination. You get excited as you start seeing this is possible.

It does work…

When readers write to me overjoyed about living life on their own terms and their out-of-the-blue magic, I always ask how many times they’ve read my book.
Their answer is almost always that they’ve read it twice, three times and are continuing to do so.
No coincidence.

So Remember…

Repetition will reprogram your subconscious mind with glorious possibilities.
Having a strong demand creates strength of intent which pulls in results. You can strengthen your intent by repeatedly praying for your requests to come to pass. Each time you set your intent but have not experienced your results yet, it is not in vain. You are building up energy and the more you continue setting your intent, the more energy will be accumulated for it to ultimately manifest. The energy is gradually shifting the matrix of reality for your desired event to be brought into actualization correctly.
Repetition of prayers has to be done on a daily basis. This creates an energetic magnetic field. When prayers are not repeated often enough, the magnetic field decreases in strength. If you are setting your intention for something to happen from time to time but feel that it isn’t working, try increasing the frequency of sending it. Repetition increases the magnetic field strength. Therefore setting an intent over and over again is to reinforce its energy field strength. It’s a good thing to know why repetition works.
Repetition opens the front and back doors of my mind.  When I use repetition, I walk through the front door and deposit positive thoughts on the counter of my mind.  When other people use repetition, they sneak in the back door and deposit their unwanted messages.

The advertising industry uses the power of repetition to hijack my mind.  When I was a child, advertising taught me “Winston tastes good like a cigarette should.”  I hate cigarettes, and they don’t taste good.  Nevertheless, repetition planted this thought when I was seven years old, and it will remain until the day I die.  Advertisers spend billions of dollars planting their slogans in my mind.  When they repeat them, they aren’t talking to me.   They are talking to my mind.  Once their slogan is in my mind, I will have to listen to it for the rest of my life.  Advertisers don’t care if I listen, because they know that my mind will do their job once they have hijacked my thoughts and flown them to their destination.

I use the power of repetition to put good things into my mind.  I look at pictures of my dreams dozens of times each day.  I repeat my positive self talk until my mind repeats it back to me.  I hijack my own mind and fly it to my own positive destination.

Positive Thinking Doctor

David J. Abbott M.D.

Miraculous Power Of Repetition

You have all the tools you need to have a positive mind.

People complain that it's difficult to live as a positive person in a negative world. They talk as if  the odds are stacked against them. They should accept their miserable existence and learn to live with a negative mind.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

You can use the power of repetition to install a positive operating system in your mind. If you consistently and persistently repeat positive thoughts, it is inevitable that your mind will fill up with positive things, and before long, your mind will start repeating those same positive thoughts back to you.

Listen to your inner dialogue. Is it positive or negative? If your mind still repeats negative thoughts, then the job's not done.

When the inner voice changes from negative to positive, it's time to celebrate, because now you have a positive operating system running in your mind.

But don't stop using positive repetition when your inner dialogue turns positive. You're just getting started. There's no limit to how good your life can become if you continue putting positive things into your mind.

You have an awesome mind, and you need to fill it with good things. Repeat the following affirmations until your mind repeats them back to you:

Affirmation I

I need to change my mind about many things. When I look at my failures, I need to change my mind. When I look at my limitations, I need to change my mind. When I look at the past, I need to change my mind. When I look at the present I need to change my mind. When I look at the future, I need to change my mind. I can change anything I want in my life by simply changing my mind.

Affirmation II

Change happens when I think differently than I have always thought and act differently that I have always acted. I think and act my new life into existence.

Repeat these words until your mind repeats them back to you and discover the miraculous power of positive repetition.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Attracting abundance is a matter of repetition. While watching this interview with Bob Proctor, I was reminded once again about one of the simplest rules when it comes toattracting abundance.

Repetition is the Key to attracting abundance

It’s so simple, yet it is also very easily forgotten.
In his classic book The Science of Getting Rich, Wallace Wattles teaches the practice of creative visualization.
In a nutshell, Wattles says that in order to attract abundance and wealth into your life, you must discipline your mind. You must learn how to place all of your attention on where you are going and the abundance you have already coming to you, rather than placing your focus and attention on where you are. Wattles teaches the use of visualization so that you literally see yourself experiencing that which you desire — and taking the time to engage all of your senses in the process.

To paraphrase Wallace Wattles, disciplined thought is the most difficult labor a man will ever undertake — and it is only through ongoing repetition and practice that abundant thought patterns can ever be established.

Repetition of the right thoughts leads to Abundant Thinking

One of the points that Bob Proctor makes so emphatically in the video is that repetition is essential.
Attracting abundance is about raising your vibration of thought … so that it is in tune with what it is your actually desire. This is impossible to accomplish if you are dwelling on the way things are, yet it requires tremendous discipline of thought to keep your focus on anything other than the way things are.
The tools available for you to use to develop abundant thinking — positive affirmations, vision boards, mind movies, motivational books, and the like — only ever work if you keep on applying them. They only work with repetition.
That’s why attracting abundance is a matter of repetition. In fact, isn’t that true for anything you want to learn in life? Whether it be a subject in school, a sport, dancing, singing, or anything else … the only way to become accomplished at it is through practice and repetition.
Yet, when it comes to attracting abundance, wealth and prosperity into their lives, most people seem to tend to forget the repetition part. Very curious, wouldn’t you say?
All you have to do to begin attracting the life you want, is to remember to practice placing your thought on it.

There are two ways to change or transform. One is through an emotional impact that jolts us into change and the other is through constant spaced repetition. Think of how you learned the language(s) that you speak. You learned through constant repetition and repetition is the key to success.
When it comes to really changing our results and changing the old paradigms that are holding us back, repetition is what Bob Proctor says is the first law of learning.
The other aspect is that even though we listen to the same program or read the same book again, we ourselves are different the next time we look or listen. We are constantly changing and our awareness is different. As our level of awareness increases, we will read something that we never quite understood before but now it has meaning for us.
If we apply this in our lives right now, we would create the image of the way we want our life to be and then visualize ourselves living that life. Through recording and listening to it repeatedly and writing it for 90 days, the visualization would come alive. Adding music, affirmations and images would boost our emotional involvement. Then you could see how repetition will begin to change your paradigms by changing your behavior and your results.
Dare to Dream!
- See more at:

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Larry Williams Continued.....

Would be speculators think trading is a game of ‘knowing’ the future, which cannot be known. Trading is a game of developing strategies with winning advantages, getting the odds on your side, working with the odds, and being alert to new ideas and concepts.

The word ‘speculate’ is derived from the Latin word specular, meaning ‘to observe’. We are not gamblers who enter a game which they cannot win over a long time. All they can do is – to hope that chance will run their way. My most important market belief, which based on my research and experience, I have developed a powerful and profitable belief system :

I believe the current trade that I am in will be a loser, a big loser at that. This may sound negative to positive thinkers, but positive thinking can give way to thinking you will win-a-surefire formula for buying and selling too many contracts and holding them for too long. After all, if you are positive things will work out, you are certain to hold for a bounce that never comes. I look at it this way, if you get all pumped up and all glossed over with positive beliefs about your market success, your conviction will lead you to mismanaging your trades. That is why belief systems are so important to a trader. If your belief system tells you the current trade is a winner, your mind will literally force you to let your losses run, to stay with the losers, something that no winning trader ever does. An outrageously positive belief that the next trade or two will turn your account around or make you a small fortune is the most dangerous. Now, if you start with the belief that the current trade is a loser, and there is no guaranteed success on this trade, you will be certain to cut your losses when the trade does not work in

No major loss I’ve ever had, (and I have had a fair share of them) has been the market’s fault. The market was never out to get me. I got myself by believing my current trade would be a winner, so I did not follow the stop loss.

You are only powerful as your belief system, because that belief will give you the power of taking action with more certainty and less hesitation. We act out what we believe. Our mental beliefs are the scriptwriters for our play of life and in trading.

If you adopt my belief that the current trade will not most likely work out, and you will be sure to protect yourself and your capital with stop loss. You will control disaster by taking the first lifeboat rather than going down with a sinking ship.

Adopt my belief, and you will be sure to not load up on a trade, banking on it, to take you out of your problem. A tiny loss can wipe you out if you have taken up a large position.

Positive or certain beliefs about the future can cause you to take undue risk. Doing that in trading, where the odds of success are not in your favor is a sure invitation to disaster.

Friday, October 30, 2015

i have been listening to neuro programmer 3
i have programmed a few affirmations that i listen to with brainwave entrainment
the affirmations are:

you are successful
i write multiple times a day
i have won hundreds of millions of dollars on the lottery
i command 100,000,000 dollars to come to me
i believe the current trade that i am in will be a loser.....a big loser at that
i expect to lose a lot of money on my current trade

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

my most important market belief

based on my research and experience, i have developed a powerful and profitable belief system:
i believe the current trade that i am i will be a loser...a big loser at that.
this continues to be my most important market mantra. winners we can handle, it's the losses that kill you.
this may sound pretty negative to all you positive thinkers, but positive thinking can give way to thinking you will win-- a surefire formula for buying and selling too many contracts and holding on too long. after all, if your are positive things will work out, you are certain to hold for a bounce or turn that never comes.

i look at it this way: if you get all pumped up over positive beliefs about your market success, your conviction will lead you to mismanage losing trades. this is why belief systems are so important to a trader. if you belief system tells you that your current trade will be a winner--and it isn't--the need to confirm that belief in your mind will literally force you to let losses run, to stay with losers, which is something no successful trader ever does. an outrageously positive belief that the next trade or two will turn your account around or make a small fortune for you is most dangerous

now let's look at my belief that the current trade i am in will be a loser, that i have no pact with God for success on this trade.

adopt my belief that the current trade will most likely not work out and you sure as heck will protect yourself with stops. you will control disasters, taking the first lifeboat possible instead of going down with a sinking ship

adopt my belief that the current trade will most likely not work out, and you sure as heck will not load up on a trade, banking on it to bail out all your problems. a tiny loss can wipe you out when you have taken a very large position or number of shares or contracts

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

my main two affirmations that i repeat are

i command 100,000,000 dollar lotto jackpots to come to me

i am a writer. i write everyday. i write multiple times a day

there are a few youtube videos i watch everyday mainly videos for lottery visualization
and i listen to delta brainwave especially 0.7 delta
i listen to Neville Goddard

and i still hear voices. especially that lady from new york telling me where i got her number
i hear other voices

i hope in 3-5 years my aspirations can come true
hopefully i have the self discipline/resolve to never give up, which is the secret of prayer